Training complete notification

This notification is sent when you complete all training assigned to you.

Permissions required to receive the notification

Any role that is assigned training will receive this notification after they completed all training assigned to them. Users receive notifications for only the sites that they’re assigned to.

Field descriptions

The table below describes all fields and details in the Training complete notification.

Field Descriptions
Title The title is comprised of two distinct elements:
  • The study's ID. For example, a study's ID can be P01-123-A3.
  • The title of the notification, for example, Training complete.
Study ID Indicates a study's ID again, as specified by the global study creator when they created the study.
Study Mode Indicates the study mode associated with this notification. Displayed values can be Test, Active, or Training.
Site Name Indicates the name of the site as specified by a site manager when they created the site.
Site ID Indicates a site's ID as specified by the site manager who created the site.
Date of Transaction (UTC) Indicates the exact date and time the training was complete. For example: 10-Nov-2022 08:07 AM.
Performed By Indicates the username of the user who completed the training.