Answer a query

You can answer a sponsor's queries at any time.


For more efficient query management, we recommend using the Query List instead. For more information, see About the Query List.
Before you answer a query, consider the following:
  • To view the history of queries on a question, select the question as to perform any action, and expand Answer & Visit History on the right. Recent activity appears first.
  • To see all queries, return to the Subjects page, and expand Queries on the right. You can also scroll through forms within a visit to identify queries. Questions that contain open or answered queries wre be highlighted in red.
  • There is a length limit of 2048 characters for a query's text. However, if the query is longer than 1068 characters it will display partially and you will need to use the sidebar to view the full text.

Want to see how to perform this task? Watch the video below.


If you cannot see the Queries sidebar, that means that you might not have the right roles assigned to yourself. Contact your Clinical Research Associate (CRA) for help.
  1. On the Home page, determine where to work. For more information, see Access study modes and pages.
  2. Along the top, make sure Subjects is selected.
  3. Filter your view based on country and sites. For more information, see Filter subjects in a study.
  4. View queries through the Queries sidebar:
    You can get an overview of queries on the Subjects page or on a visit's containing the query that you need to answer. Look for visits that are displayed in red and marked with a question mark (Visit label for queries) and click that visit to open it.
    1. On the right side pane, expand Queries.
      If you expand the Queries sidebar while on the Subjects page, with a site filter applied, all queries for all subjects are displayed. To view queries related to a single subject, select that subject.


      You can type in to search for a query or filter them by status.
    2. Click on a query to expand its details.
  5. Review the text provided by the sponsor, then click the menu icon (Menu icon) and select one of the following options:


    If a question with an open or answered query becomes unavailable through the user interface, you cannot locate or manage that query directly in the form. Use the Answer option to manage it directly from the Queries sidebar instead.
    • View: This option takes you directly to the question in the form containing the query.

      From this point on, you can take action as described in the next step to either answer the query or update the field.

    • Answer: This option lets you answer the query.

      A Comment to Answer Query dialog is displayed. Enter a comment and click Answer Query.

  6. If you choose to locate the query in the form or access the query directly within the visit, review the comment provided by the sponsor and take appropriate action:
    • To correct an issue, click Update value, then enter a new value, select a Reason for Change, and click Submit.
    • To keep the value as-is and provide additional information, click Answer, add a comment, and click Submit.
    The status of the query changes to Answered.

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