Why are barcodes useful in a study?

Whether you're a clinical supply manager or a site user, here's why barcodes are useful for you.

For clinical supply managers

Including barcodes in your kit list lets you assign a barcode to every kit that needs to be dispensed to subjects during the study. After you do that, you can also enable site users to use these barcodes for confirming dispensation of the kits dispensed to subjects during visits. Overall, barcodes allow you and the site team to have better control over the kits that are dispensed during visits without running the risk of unblinding a study.

When uploading a kit list, you can map barcodes in the system to make sure they're correctly assigned to each kit in the study.

When generating a kit list, you can either use kit numbers to generate those barcodes or ask the system to generate new numbers for barcodes.

For more details on how to include barcodes in your kit lists, see Generate a kit list.

For more details on how to enable site users to confirm kit dispensation, see Specify supply settings [Testing mode].

For site users

Using barcodes to confirm kit dispensation allows you to have better control over what kits you dispense to subjects during dispensation visits. You can either type a kit's barcode in the user interface (if, for example, a kit's barcode is the same as a kit's number) or you can scan a kit's barcode to confirm its dispensation. You can only confirm the dispensation of kits using barcodes if this feature is enabled in your study by a clinical supply manager.

For details on how a site user can confirm dispensation of kits, see Confirm dispensation of kits.