Create and edit a kit object

You can create a pooled kit object in a library study and then import it into a Production study.


Want to create a form object? See Create and edit a form object.

You cannot assign a pooled kit type to a visit in a library study. However, you can add a pooled kit object to a live study, and assign that kit to a visit in the live study.

Before you begin, consider the following:

To create a kit object in your library study, follow these steps:

  1. On the Homepage, click Library.
  2. Click Kit Types.
  3. On the Kit Types tab, click Create New Kit Type.
  4. On the Create New Kit Type dialog, fill-in the following fields, and click Create.
    Field Description
    Pooling ID Enter a pooling identifier for the kit, such as A.
    Description Enter the name of the product and its dosage amount. If the kit type is unblinded, make sure the description is appropriate for blinded users.
    Storage Temperature Choose the storage temperature requirements for kits of this type (ambient, refrigerated, or frozen). If you're not sure, work with the clinical supply manager.
    Type Choose the packaging of the product. This selection determines the image that appears for the kit type.
    Unit Per Kit Enter the number of units in the kit, such as the number of pills in a bottle.
The newly created kit appears in the Kit Types table with a status of Draft. Each pooled kit is displayed along with its details: the pooling ID, its description, its type, the unit per kit, the required storage temperature, and the kit object's status.
Next up, you can publish a kit object. To do that, all you have to do is update its status appropriately. For more information, see Edit a kit's object attributes.