About library studies

A library study is meant to store your company's standards in study design objects, such as forms or custom Javascript rules. Objects that you create in a library study remain stored in your organization's library and you can import them into your live studies at any time. You can also import object from a live study into a library study.


To view and manage library studies, you must be assigned certain global roles. For more information, see Roles for global users.

The basics of a library

To make the most of a library study, you must understand its structure, how to navigate to it, and how to manage objects. A library can contain multiple library studies, and a library study can contain multiple objects. A library exists at the organization level and you can use it to store multiple library studies and multiple objects that can be used in other live studies at your organization. In a library you can also store your system default code lists, and custom code lists.

The following details are important to remember for every element of a library study:

Element Description
Library study


The Approved container is not required to be used in a library study. For more details, see Known Issue 35239676 on My Oracle Support (MOS).
A library study works and is displayed similarly to an actual study on your homepage. A library study can be versioned and moved through all four different containers: Draft, Testing, Approved, and Archived, but only within the library.
  • In the library study version located in the Draft container, you can create or import your library objects.
  • In the Testing container you can test out the objects to see how site staff will see it and use it in a live study.
  • While the Approved container is available in a library and you can move a study version there, you can only access the library study's design while being placed in the Approved category.
  • The Archived container displays all of the object versions you chose to retire and no longer use in the library study.


All objects in a library must have a unique title and version in order for you to update their status to Published.

You can have objects in more than one library study, as well as versions of the same object in multiple library studies. For example, you can have a Demography form version 1.0 in library study A and you can create as many versions of that form within library study A.

When you create an object in a library study, that object is displayed in the overall library, as well. For example, you create a Demography form in library study A. That demography form appears on the Library landing page, as well. While you can only edit the details of that form within a library study, you can manage some of the form's attributes or update its status within the overall library.

A library object has a unique system-generated object ID and every new version of an object will have a unique ID assigned to it.

The life cycle of an object


You cannot delete a library object from a library study when that object is imported and used in another library study at your organization. You can only delete a library object once that object is no longer used in another library study or is imported to a Production study. The same rule applies to deleting an entire library study - you can only delete a library study when none of its objects are being used in another library study at your organization.

Once you create an object in your library, there are several actions that you can perform with that object that impact its status. For more information on objects statuses, see Library object statuses and icons.

Library studies and custom JavaScript rules

You can create and manage custom JavaScript rules in a library study just as you would do it in an actual study. In a library study, you can create, modify, test, approve, and eventually publish custom rules. When you add an object with custom rules from a library study to a live study, keep in mind the following recommendations:
  • Prior to deleting a question, verify that there are no rules on the question. If the question contains rules, delete the rule prior to deleting the question.
  • When you import a library form with custom rules into a live study, all rules associated with that form get a status of Invalid in the live study. A rule designer must manually test, approve, and publish those rules again. Additionally, a rule designer must ensure that all variables and targets are set up correctly for the new study.