Edit an organization's details

Sponsor and CRO users can update and manage an organization's information, whether an institution (site) or a vendor (depot, lab).

Before you work with this feature

Be aware of the following before updating an organization's details:
  • To modify an organization's details, you must be assigned the global role of Manage Contacts and Organizations.
  • If you select a status other than Active, the system ensures no active studies are associated with the organization. If you update the status of an organization associated with an active study, see Change the status of a contact.
  • You can only add a Mode to an organization actively used in a study or with current associations.
  • You can only delete an address that is not used in an active study or site.
  • You cannot remove an association until the study or sites have been retired or transferred. For more information, see Retire a site at a global level.
  1. On the Home page, click Global Settings.
  2. On the Organizations tab, locate the institution or vendor you want to edit.
  3. From the Manage Organizations drop-down, select Edit Organization.
  4. Make applicable updates on the Info section, then click Next.
  5. If necessary, update the address details, then click Save or Save & Edit Department.
    For information about departments, see Create an organization (Institution).