Manage associations for a contact

You can manage a contact's associated institutions. Any changes you make to a contact's associated institutions will be reflected in the studies where these sites are assigned.

Before managing a contact's association, consider the following:
  • You can only manage a contact's associations with other institutions when that contact or institution are inactive. For example:
    • If contact A is associated with institution B in Production mode, you can assign contact A to Testing mode, as well. However, you cannot unassign contact A from Production mode since an active institution is associated with contact A in that specific mode.
    • If contact B is associated with institution C in Training mode, and you want to associate the two elements in Testing mode as well, you must assign both contact B and institution C to Testing mode. Only after that can you associate the two of them. Moreover, you will not be able to unassign contact B or institution C from Training mode while they are still associated.
    • If contact Z is assigned to all three modes (Testing, Training, and Production) and is associated with institution Y in Testing mode, you can't unassign contact Z from Testing mode. To do that, you must first remove the association between contact Z and institution Y in Testing mode.
  • Any updates you make to a contact's primary address will not impact any of their other associated addresses (billing address, secondary address), even when these other addresses are the same as the primary one. You must manually update a contact's other addresses.
  • You can only delete an address when it is not associated with an active site assigned to an active study.
  • If you want to remove the association between a contact and an institution, you must first retire the site.
  1. On the Home page, click Global Settings.
  2. Click the Contacts tab.
  3. On the Contacts tab, select a contact, and click Manage Contact.
  4. From the Manage Contacts drop-down, select Manage Associations.
  5. In the Associated Institution section, select an institution, click the Menu icon (three parallel lines.), and select either one:
    • Assign Site to Study: in the Assign Site to Study dialog, you can change the study and the modes associated with this specific contact and its associated institutions.
    • Remove Association this removes the association between the contact that you're editing and the institution that you previously selected.