Create a visit branch

Use a visit branch to create multiple visit schedules to fit your study protocol. You can schedule visits as needed in each branch.

To learn more about visit branches, see Understand how visit branches work.

Want to see how to perform this task? Watch the video below.

If you choose to assign subjects based on form questions, here is a list of things you must do first:
  • Only a question with checkboxes or radio buttons, as well as a drop-down question, can be used in the process of assigning subjects to a branch. Make sure you create the appropriate question and, if needed, define a "Select Exactly" validation rule for that question.
  • A question with multiple options for an answer that should be used in the process of assigning subjects to a branch must not be included in a repeating form.

To create a visit branch:

  1. Access the Draft version of a study as described in Open a study's design.
  2. In the right pane, in the Scheduled Visits section, click + and select Add Branch to Bottom.
  3. In the Create Branch dialog, fill in the fields as needed and click Save & Add Another to save and add another visit branch or Save to create the current branch:

    Table 4-1 Fields and settings in the Create Branch dialog

    Field or setting Description
    Title Enter a title for the branch.
    ID Enter a short ID for the visit branch you're about to create. Branch IDs should follow the terminology standards used in data extracts.
    Cycle the Branch Select Yes if you want to repeat the visits in this branch or No if you don't want subjects to repeat the visits in this branch.
    Restart Cycle Numbering

    Select Yes if you want the cycling of visits to restart in the study once a subject reaches the final visit cycle, in a previous cycling branch. For example, if you selected a count of 5 cycles, once a subject reaches cycle 5 of the visits, the cycling is restarted, then the subject enters the first cycling branch. Select No if you don't want the cycling of visits to be restarted once a subject enters the new cycling branch.

    This setting is displayed only when you create a second or later branch.

    Starting Cycle Number Enter a number to be assigned to the first cycle in a series of cycling visits. For example, enter 1 if you want site users to know that the cycle of visits begins at cycle 1. By default, this field is set to 2.
    Count of Cycles Enter the number of times the visits in this branch should be repeated. If you plan on having an unlimited number of cycles in your branch, leave the Unlimited default selection as it is.
    Assign Subjects Using

    Select Treatment Arm if you want subjects to be assigned to a visit branch based on the treatment arm to which they are assigned. Select Form Item if you want subjects to be assigned to a visit branch based on their answer to a specific question.

    If you choose to assign subjects to a visit branch based on treatment arms, know that you can view the treatment arm details by hovering over the treatment arm icon of the branch.

    Treatment Arm Settings If you previously selected Treatment Arm, you must select one or more treatment arms to consider when assigning a subject to a visit branch.
    Form Item Settings If you previously selected Form Item, you must further define the following fields to assign a subject to a visit branch:
    • Form
    • Question
    • Answer
    • Visit
The newly created visit branch appears on the right-side of the browser page, under Visits & Events.

To learn more about your next task, see Add a scheduled visit to a branch.