Define an Auto-lock rule

An Auto-lock rule blocks site users from editing subject data during the study conduct period and after a specified event.

To add an Auto-lock rule to a question in a form's design, you must be assigned the Design Forms permission.
To create an auto-lock rule, you must create a form first and include at least one question in the form. The form must be assigned to the appropriate visits. For step-by-step instructions, see the
  1. Access the Draft version of a study as described in Open a study's design.
  2. Make sure you are on the Data Collection page and on the Forms tab. Locate the form that you wan to add the Auto-lock rule to and double-click it.
  3. Either select an existing question or add a new question to the form, and expand the Rules sidebar on the right.
  4. Click Add Rule.
  5. Select the Status Rule (Auto-lock) option.
  6. From the When drop-down, select the condition that should be met for the auto-lock rule to trigger:
    • Subject Screened
    • Subject Randomized
    • Subject Dispensed
    • Visit Completion
  7. Click Save or Save & Close.
As a site user, if you want to change recently locked data, you will receive an informational message about the data being locked and unable to change. If the Auto-lock rule is triggered and attempts to lock the data for five times unsuccessfully, all users with the appropriate permission and access to the site will receive the Auto-lock failure notification .
To add, delete or update an auto-lock rule as part of a study version change, see Update a form during the study conduct period.