Define the questions in a lab form

Most questions in a lab form are already predefined. For example, the Low Range, High Range, and Normal Text Result questions are read-only and their code list values are associated with a study's local lab, as well. You do not have to configure any code list values in a lab form for those items.


Multiple study designers can create or update different forms at the same time. For example, you can edit a form, while at the same time another study designer creates a new form. However, you are not allowed to work on the same form at the same time. If you try to open a form that another study designer is working on, the system displays a message informing you that another user is editing the form at that moment and you can only view the form. For more information, see Can multiple study designers edit a study at the same time?.


To avoid any issues with how questions are displayed in a lab form, don't trigger the display of a lab form using a Show Question rule included in the Questions Before the Table (flat) section. You can still trigger dynamic questions within the Questions in the Table section (repeating) section of the lab form or trigger the Questions in the Table (repeating) section dynamically using a Show Section rule configured with a question in the Questions Before the Table (flat) section.
Before you begin, make sure you do the following:

To define questions in a lab form, follow these steps:

  1. In the Questions Before the Table section do one of the following:
    By default, the Sample Collection Date and Fasting questions are set as required. The Sample Collection Date question also has the Allow Future Date toggle turned on.
    • If you're creating a brand new lab form, determine whether you want to hide the Sample Collection Date and Fasting questions and make them optional.
    • If you're editing an existing lab form, these introductory questions might be hidden. To include them in the lab form for your live study, turn off the Hidden toggle for both questions and make sure you apply this change for your live study. See Create a new Draft version of a study to update the Approved version.


      If you choose to hide the Sample Collection Date question, the system uses the visit date instead to calculate a subject's age, as well as to compare the date to the effective date for the integration of lab normals.
    • If you want to add new questions to the section, click Add, hover over Questions Before the Table, and select the question type that you want to include.
  2. In the Questions in the Table section, configure or verify the following questions:
    Question or item Action
    Lab Test

    By default, the Lab Test question is included as a Label (Repeating table only) item.

    1. Next to the Lab Test question, click Code List.
    2. On the Code List dialog, select the Lab Test code list from the list.
    3. Click Use Selected List.
    Lab Result

    By default, this question is configured as a required text type of question.

    If required, select the question and configure any additional details on the side panels.

    Lab Unit

    By default, this question is configured as a read-only text question.

    A site user doesn't have to answer this item. The Lab Unit item only displays the appropriate lab normal values configured for the selected lab form and displays those values in the lab form as read-only.

    Low Range

    By default, this question is configured as a read-only text question.

    A site user doesn't have to answer this item. The Low Range item only displays the appropriate lab normal values configured for the selected lab form and displays those values in the lab form as read-only.

    High Range

    By default, this question is configured as a read-only text question.

    A site user doesn't have to answer this item. The High Range item only displays the appropriate lab normal values configured for the selected lab form and displays those values in the lab form as read-only.

    Normal Text Result

    By default, this question is configured as a read-only text question.

    A site user doesn't have to answer this item. The Normal Text Restul item only displays the appropriate lab normal values configured for the selected lab form and displays those values in the lab form as read-only.

  3. Click Save or Save & Close.
Your lab form is now complete.