Define a Show Visit rule

To dynamically schedule a visit, you must create a question that determines the display of a dynamic visit based on the given answer to this question.

Before you configure a question with a Show Visit rule, you must first create the visit to dynamically display. For step-by-step instructions, see Create a visit or event.

The question used to dynamically schedule a visit must either be a question with radio buttons or a multiple-choice type of question, but with a Select Exactly or Answer Must Be validation rule defined for it.

To create a leading question for a dynamic visit:

  1. Access the Draft version of a study as described in Open a study's design.
  2. Make sure you are on the Data Collection page on the Forms tab.
  3. Determine if you are working on a new or existing form:
    • Click Create Form to create a new form from scratch.
    • Select an existing form and double click it to edit.
  4. Select an existing question or create a new one to be the determining question. Question must be Radio buttons, Drop-down, or Checkboxes type.

    Refer to Question types and settings to see how to set up details and advanced configurations of your question.

  5. Expand the Rules pane and click Add Rule.
  6. From the drop-down, select Show Visit and fill-in the two fields:
    • When selection is: select the answer that displays the dynamic visit.
    • Show Visit: select one or multiple visits that will be displayed when a site user answers this question using the selected answer.

      On the user interface, you only see visits that can be dynamically scheduled.

  7. Click Save or Save and Close.
Make sure that the form containing the question with the Show Visit rule configuration is included in an earlier visit in the schedule than the one to dynamically display.