Set up a dynamic question in a form

Use a dynamic question to show it in a form only when relevant for the subject.

Dynamic questions are displayed only when a specific answer is given to another question on a form. For instance, a question assessing the childbearing potential of a subject appears only if a site user previously selected Female as an answer to a drop-down question on gender. If a site user selects Male, the pregnancy question doesn't appear. This can save site users time from having to enter additional data that is not applicable to subjects. While you may define multiple questions that can determine the display of a dynamic question, we recommend you only use one question to dynamically display another question.

When an existing static question, form, or visit that includes data, is changed to a dynamic type, and the determining question is set to be hidden, the new dynamic question will be hidden. If the determining question is updated to the criteria to show the dynamic question, that question appears and the original data is still there.


Multiple study designers can create or update different forms at the same time. For example, you can edit a form, while at the same time another study designer creates a new form. However, you are not allowed to work on the same form at the same time. If you try to open a form that another study designer is working on, the system displays a message informing you that another user is editing the form at that moment and you can only view the form. For more information, see Can multiple study designers edit a study at the same time?.