Define a Show Question rule

Create a dynamic question when you want to show it in a form only when relevant for the subject.

Want to see how to perform this task? Watch the video below.


Before configuring a Show Question rule, consider the following:
  • For question groups, you can only select the entire question group as dynamic, which makes all of its contained questions dynamic. Questions in a question group cannot be individually set up as dynamic.
  • To avoid any issues with how questions are displayed in a lab form, don't trigger the display of a lab form using a Show Question rule included in the Questions Before the Table (flat) section. You can still trigger dynamic questions within the Questions in the Table section (repeating) section of the lab form.


Depending on the data you want to collect you can create any type of question and turn it into a dynamic question. For more information on how to set up details and advanced configurations of your question, see Question types and settings.

You must create at least two questions for the form that includes the dynamic question. Otherwise, you won't be able to properly configure a Show Question rule. The Show Question drop-down list shows all the questions in the form. You can add one or more questions to the Show Question field.

  1. Access the Draft version of a study as described in Open a study's design.
  2. On the Forms tab, do one of the following:
    • Create a new form.
    • Locate the form that you want to edit with the dynamic question and double-click it to edit.
  3. Click Add Question, and select a type for the question that should be dynamic.
  4. Select or create the question that enables the dynamic question, and click the Rules button above the answer field.
    The determining question must be multiple-choice: drop-down, checkboxes, or radio buttons.
  5. On the right side pane, click Add Rule.
  6. From the drop-down, select Show Question, and fill-in the fields:
    • When selection is: From the drop-down, select the answer that determines the display of a dynamic question.

      This drop-down is populated with the options you created for the question that triggers the dynamic question. If no options are entered for the question, the drop-down is empty.

    • Show Question: From the drop-down, select the dynamic question you want to show.

    Figure 6-1 How to add a dynamic question to a form

    How to add a dynamic question to a form
  7. To save the form, in the lower right of the form, click Save.


    If the Save button is disabled, make sure there are no blank questions on the form.