Set up a dynamic section in a form

Configure dynamic sections to dynamically display repeating tables in two-section forms.

If you use a drop-down question and the user selects more than one option for an answer, even if one of those options should determine the display of a repeating table, the table is not displayed. It is recommended to include an Exactly 1 validation rule. If checkbox questions are used and one of the selections made is the trigger for the repeating section, the repeating section is shown as expected.

While the system allows you to define multiple questions to determine the display of a section, we recommend that you use only one question to dynamically display a form section.


Multiple study designers can create or update different forms at the same time. For example, you can edit a form, while at the same time another study designer creates a new form. However, you are not allowed to work on the same form at the same time. If you try to open a form that another study designer is working on, the system displays a message informing you that another user is editing the form at that moment and you can only view the form. For more information, see Can multiple study designers edit a study at the same time?.