Types of single sign-on accounts

You use a single sign-on (SSO) account to securely authenticate with Oracle sites or applications. If your role requires you to access multiple sites and applications, you may use two different types of SSO accounts.

The following table lists the two types of SSO accounts you can use to access different Oracle or Oracle Life Sciences sites and applications.


For every Oracle Life Sciences SSO account, password expires every three months. Users receive a password reset reminder when approaching expiriation date.
SSO Account Name Creation process Products
Oracle SSO You create your own account through the New User prompts at the sign in page for any of the applicable products.

Once your account is created, you can access those applications.

  • My Oracle Support (MOS)
  • Support Cloud
  • Oracle Life Sciences Learn (home of assigned training courses)
Oracle Life Sciences SSO accounts in Oracle Life Sciences IAMS
  1. An Oracle business operations representative contacts your organization and creates the first Oracle Life Sciences users (usually two) of your organization, known as Customer Delgated Administrators (CDA).
  2. CDAs at your organization complete Account creation prerequisites and create other users accounts in Oracle Life Sciences Identity and Access Management Service (IAMS).

    Once your account is created, you receive one to two notification messages.

  3. You use the information in your notification message(s) to activate your account through Oracle Life Sciences IAMS.


    • Your account needs to include an approved role to access certain applications. Depending on how your organization set up accounts, you can request roles for your account or a delegated administrator can assign them. In either case, an administrator (known as the Approver) must approve your role.
    • Some products require additional steps to get access.
    For roles and additional steps see User roles in Oracle Life Sciences IAMS for all applications.
  • Oracle Life Sciences Central Coding
  • Oracle Clinical One Digital Gateway
  • Oracle Clinical One Platform
  • Oracle Life Sciences Empirica Signal
  • Oracle Life Sciences Empirica Study
  • Oracle Life Sciences Empirica Topics
  • Oracle Life Sciences IAMS
  • Oracle Health Sciences Learn Manager
  • Oracle Health Sciences mHealth Connector Cloud Service
Oracle Life Sciences SSO accounts in Oracle Clinical One Platform Once Oracle Life Sciences SSO accounts are created in Oracle Life Sciences IAMS, administrators may create two types of users in Oracle Clinical One Platform, see:

Once your account is created, you receive one to two notification messages. Use the information in your notification message(s) to activate your account through Oracle Life Sciences IAMS.

  • Oracle Clinical One Platform