An overview of superuser setup tasks

Multi-enterprise support can only be enabled during the import of an Oracle Argus Mart data offering into Oracle Empirica Signal. Once enabled it cannot be disabled. Only one Argus data offering can be multi-enterprise enabled.

Setup of a multi-enterprise enabled Oracle Argus Mart configuration involves the following tasks.

  1. Upon request, Oracle enables a multi-enterprise Argus Cloud data offering and makes it available for import into Oracle Empirica Signal on the Manage Subscription Data Releases page.
  2. Oracle imports the multi-enterprise enabled Argus data offering into Oracle Empirica Signal and enables multi-enterprise support by selecting the Enable Multi-enterprise support checkbox.
  3. A superuser, belonging to a login group with an enterprise ID, validates the configuration. Validation confirms that tables and indexes exist.
  4. A user or superuser confirms the enterprise IDs assigned to the login groups when Oracle Support enabled the multi-enterprise feature for your Oracle Empirica Cloud environment. Only a superuser can subsequently set or change a login group's Argus Mart Enterprise field.
  5. A superuser or user with Manage Configurations permission provides login groups and individuals access to the multi-enterprise enabled Argus configuration.
  6. A superuser establishes an administrator for each login group (a user with Manage Signal Configurations permission). Each login group with an enterprise ID value should have at least one user with Manage Signal Configurations permission. This user with Manage Signal Configurations permission provides customization and maintenance support.
  7. A superuser or the user within a login group with Manage Signal Configurations permission publishes the multi-enterprise enabled Argus configuration to the login group.
  8. A superuser can share report definitions and interactive reports across all login groups.