Publish or unpublish a signal configuration for superusers

Only superusers have access to all signal configurations. Superusers can publish Signal Configurations to either individual users or to login groups. If the signal configuration is multi-enterprise support-related, then the superuser is restricted to either their login group or one user with Manage Signal Configuration permission who belongs to a login group with enterprise ID value set.


By default, the publication level of every newly created object is Private.
  1. In the left navigation pane, click the Settings icon
  2. In the Configure System section, click Manage Signal Configurations.
  3. Click the configuration's Row Action menu (
    Row action menu



    It is recommended that the superuser publishes signal configurations to individual users. This will provide users with Manage Signal Configurations permission, the individual Signal Configuration administrators access to the signal configuration and allow the individual administrator to control publishing to the login group.
    • If the configuration is published to all login groups, then the Signal configuration administrator will have no control on publishing.
    • If the configuration is published to the Signal configuration administrator’s login group, then when the administrator unpublishes, the configuration will be unpublished to the entire login group including themselves.
    The Publish Signal Configuration window appears. The window contains the current publication status, Publish to Login Groups and Publish to Users radio buttons.
  4. If you wish to unpublish the configuration that has been published to All Login groups, click Remove.
  5. If you wish to unpublish the configuration that has been published to a login group or a user click Remove next to the name of the login group or user.
  6. To publish the configuration to Login Groups.
    1. Select Publish to Login Groups
    2. Select the login group to which you intend to publish. You can publish an object to multiple login groups. Ctrl+click to select multiple login groups from the list.


      If you publish to –All–, the object is automatically published to any new login groups you add later.
    3. If the configuration is Multi-enterprise enabled, then only your login group is available for selection.
    4. Click Publish.
  7. To publish the configuration to Users (recommended).
    1. Select Publish to Users.
    2. Optionally select login groups to filter the User list by.
    3. Select the User to which you intend to publish. You can publish an object to multiple Users. Ctrl+click to select multiple login groups from the list.
    4. If the configuration is Multi-enterprise enabled, then you are restricted to picking one user and the User list is restricted to users that have Manage Signal Configuration permission and belong to login group with an enterprise specified.
    5. e. Click Publish.
  8. Close the Publish Signal Configuration window to return to the Manage Signal Configurations page.