Publish or unpublish a signal configuration for a user with Manage Signal Configurations permission

Signal Configuration administrators, users with Manage Signal Configurations permission, will have access to Signal configurations for which they are the owner, and signal configurations that have been published to them individually or to their login group. Signal Configuration administrators can publish Signal configurations to their login group.


By default, the publication level of every newly created object is Private.
  1. In the left navigation pane, click the Settings icon (Settings icon).
  2. In the Configure System section, click Manage Signal Configurations.
  3. Click the configuration's Row Action menu (Row Action menu icon), then click Publish.
    • If the signal configuration was published to the winSignal Administrator’s login group then the Publication Level is This Signal Configuraion is marked Public.
    • If the signal configuration was published to the Signal Administrator then the Publication Level is This Signal Configuraion is marked Private.
    • If the signal configuration was published to —All— login groups then Publication Level is blank. The Signal Administrator will be able to see this configuration but will have no control over its publishing.
    The Publish Signal Configuration window appears. The window contains the current publication status
  4. If you wish to unpublish the configuration, click Make private next to the Publication Level. The configuration will no longer be available to the Signal Administrator’s login group.
  5. If you wish to publish the configuration, click Publish next to the Publication Level. The configuration will be available to the Signal Administrator’s login group.
  6. Close the Publish Signal Configuration window to return to the Manage Signal Configurations page.