Review products from a multisource configuration

The Signal Review page combines data from the lead and secondary configurations, prompting you to view the information in the Product Summary sections, System Organ Class (SOC) section, and the detail panel.

Multisource signal configurations appear along with other available configurations in the configuration drop-down menu on the Signal Review page.

As an extension of signal configurations, multisource signal configurations enable you to perform safety surveillance across multiple data sources.

When reviewing statistics from a multisource signal configuration, it helps to understand the source of the data you're viewing and whether your actions affect the multisource signal configuration independently or also impact the underlying configurations.

Viewing aggregate data on products in a multisource signal configuration

The product table displays only products from the lead configuration. The products from any secondary configurations included in the multisource signal configuration do not appear. However, the information you view on the Signal Review page, including the Product Summary sections, System Organ Class (SOC) section, and the Details panel, combines data from the lead and secondary configurations.

  • Products and product properties displayed in the table are shared with the lead configuration.
  • Alert columns and the counts displayed in the table are specific to the multisource signal configuration.
  • Topic workflow configuration and the Product field are the same as the lead configuration.

When selecting columns to view in the Products table, you can add the Product Term value for each secondary configuration for reference. Column labels are identified by a prefix matching the secondary configuration label, defined when creating the multisource signal configuration.

Information shared between the lead configuration and the multisource signal configuration

Between the lead signal configuration and multisource signal configuration, the following areas are shared:

  • Topic Workflow Configuration and Topic Product field assignment
  • Products and Product properties
  • Reference data (TME, DME, Listed, Reviewers)
  • Comment types
  • Case Score tables (when LISM is an Argus configuration)

The following areas are not shared:

  • Active alert types
  • Views

Performing actions on individual products in a multisource signal configuration

Actions you take on individual products from the Products table Row Action menu may impact the underlying lead configuration.

  • Enter Note: When you add a note to a product in the multisource signal configuration, the note is shared with the lead configuration.
  • View Notes: Notes are shared with the lead configuration.
  • View Event Comments: Event comments are shared with the lead.
  • View Sector Map for All: Options for each configuration included in the multisource signal configuration appear in the menu. A prefix matching the secondary configuration label, defined when creating the multisource signal configuration, identifies the secondary configurations.
If you have the appropriate permissions, the following options also appear in the Row Action menu, enabling you to manage aspects of products.


A signal configuration may be included as the lead configuration in multiple multisource signal configurations. Any changes to shared components, regardless of the configuration from which the change was made, affect both the lead configuration and all configurations that refer to it.

For example, if you delete a product from a multisource signal configuration, that product is also deleted from the following configurations:

  • The lead configuration
  • All other multisource signal configurations referencing the same configuration as the lead