Fields—SV Settings

Field Description
First N Subjects

The number of subjects to source verify in order, based on the time when the subject is assigned the status Enrolled. For example, to indicate that you must source verify the first seven subjects enrolled in a study, specify SVFIRSTNSUBJECTS=7. The default value is defined in Oracle Central Designer. This can’t be less than zero (0). If the system does not contain a SVFIRSTNSUBJECTS setting, the default value will be one hundred (100).


This is also a Site property. A user with the Change Site SV Settings right can change the value at Site level. When a new system level First N is applied through deployment, Oracle InForm compares the value of each site with the current system value. If the site value equals the system value, the new system value will be applied to the site. Otherwise, the site value will not be changed.
Auto Select Rate

The auto select percentage of the subjects to be included in Partial SV. The default value is defined in Oracle Central Designer. The value must be in the range of 0 to 100. If the system does not contain a SVAUTOSELECTRATE setting, the default value will be one hundred (100).


The auto select percentage is also a Site property. A user with the Change Site SV Settings right can change the value at the Site level. When a new system level percentage is applied through deployment, Oracle InForm compares the value of each site with the current system value. If the site value equals the system value, the new system value will be applied to the site. Otherwise, the site value will not be changed.
Default to include

Indicates whether the default is eligible or excluded from the SV Pool—eligible (1) or exclusion (0). The default value is defined in Oracle Central Designer. If the system does not contain a SVDEFAULTINCLUDE setting, the default value will be eligible (1).


The default of whether to include or exclude subjects from the SV Pool is also a Site property. A user with the Change Site SV Settings right can change the value at the Site level. When a new system level percentage is applied through deployment, Oracle InForm compares the value of each site with the current system value. If the site value equals the system value, the new system value will be applied to the site. Otherwise, the site value will not be changed.