Fields—System Security Configuration

Field Description
Re-authentication inactivity period Number of minutes of inactivity that can pass before the Oracle InForm application requires a user to log in again.
Password expiration period

Number of days that can pass before the Oracle InForm application requires users to change their passwords.

Recommended setting is 90 days.

Re-identification period Number of minutes that a session can be active before the Oracle InForm application requires a user to log in again.
Minimum password length

Number of characters that must be in the password.

Recommended setting is 8 characters.

Inactivate account after number of failed log-on attempts

Number of times a user can attempt to log in with an incorrect user name and password combination before the account is inactivated. If an account is inactivated, an administrator must reactivate the account.

Recommended setting is 3.

If an account is inactivated, an administrator must reactivate the account.

Require at least one numerical character in password Yes (recommended) or No. Indicates whether users are required to use at least one numerical character in their passwords.
Require at least one uppercase character in password Yes (recommended) or No. Indicates whether users are required to use at least one uppercase character in their passwords.
Require at least one non-alpha-numeric character in password Yes (recommended) or No. Indicates whether users are required to use at least one non-alphanumeric character in their passwords.
Allow password reuse Yes or No (recommended). Indicates whether to allow users to reuse previous passwords.
Enable password recovery Yes (recommended) or No. Indicates whether to allow users to request a password reset if they have forgotten their password.
Email address for password recovery notification The email address of an administrator who receives notification when a user requests a password reset.
Email address for new site and user notification The email address of an administrator who receives notification when a new site or new user is added.
Trial Company/Short Org ID

For SSO configurations only.

The sponsor’s Short Org ID (the short name for your organization, assigned by Oracle Health Sciences). Update this field after any TrialCopy process to ensure proper SSO authentication.