To add an Oracle Argus Safety Publisher subscriber

  1. In the Add New Oracle Argus Safety Publisher Type Subscriber dialog box, enter the information for the new subscriber:
    Field Description
    Subscriber Name Name for the subscriber.
    Endpoint Alias N/A
    Endpoint Type N/A
    Endpoint Address The location of the endpoint.
    FTP Local Folder Path N/A
    FTP Remote Folder Path N/A
    Select trials to add to this subscriber One or more trials to associate with the subscriber.
  2. Click OK.
    The Oracle InForm Publisher Configuration dialog box appears.
  3. After a new Oracle Argus Safety subscriber is created, you can view or edit the following configuration information.
    Field Description
    Subscriber Type

    Type of subscriber, which specifies the target application associated with the subscriber.

    This field is populated based on your selection in the Add New Subscriber drop-down list.


    Subscriber Name Subscriber name.
    Endpoint Web service endpoint URI that the Oracle InForm Publisher application calls to update data to the subscriber destination.
    Secure Endpoint User Name User name of the web service endpoint URI user. This field is enabled when endpoint type is HTTPS.
    Secure Endpoint Password Password for the web service endpoint URI user. This field is enabled when endpoint type is HTTPS.
    Scheduled Push Interval

    Interval at which the Oracle InForm Publisher software:

    • Retries actions that previously failed due to errors.
    • Checks to see if SAE Update Interval (mins) has elapsed and, if so, sends any necessary updates for existing safety events.
    • Checks to see if SAE Auto-Send Interval (mins) has elapsed for any existing serious safety events that have not been sent yet and, if so, sends those safety events.

      This value is calculated by the Oracle InForm Publisher software and is not directly configurable. The value is set to one half of the lesser value specified for the SAE Update Interval (mins) or SAE Auto-Send Interval (mins), rounded down to the nearest whole number, up to a maximum of 60 minutes. The default value is 60 minutes.

    Gateway Signature Files Path Not supported.
    Endpoint Type READ-ONLY
    Endpoint Alias N/A
    FTP Local Folder Path N/A
    FTP Remote Folder Path N/A

    Table 3-1 Oracle Argus Safety fields

    Field Description
    SAE Update Interval (mins) Number of minutes after a safety event is pushed to the Oracle Argus Safety application that the InForm Publisher application waits to check for updates to the safety event. Specify an integer between 5 and 1400. The default is 120 minutes.
    SAE Auto-Send Interval (mins) Number of minutes after a safety event is marked as serious in the Oracle InForm application that the Oracle InForm Publisher application waits before sending the data to the Oracle Argus Safety application. This setting applies only if the study is designed so that a user must choose to send a serious adverse event to the Oracle Argus Safety application by indicating that on a form. Specify an integer between 5 and 1400. The default is 120 minutes.
    Error Expiration (hours) Number of hours after an error occurs that the Oracle InForm Publisher application retries the action. After the specified number of hours, the Oracle InForm Publisher application no longer attempts to retry the action. Specify a number between 1 and the value you specify for the Expired-Error Reactivation (hours) field. If you do not specify a value for the Expired-Error Reactivation (hours) field, there is no maximum value for this field. The default is 2 hours.
    Expired-Error Reactivation (hours)

    Number of hours before the Oracle InForm Publisher service is stopped and restarted; this value is used to create a time range to determine the expired errors that the Oracle InForm Publisher application attempts to reactivate and retry the actions associated with them.

    For example, if the Expired-Error Reactivation (hours) value is set to 7, an error that occurred up to 7 hours before the Oracle InForm Publisher service was restarted is re-activated, and the Oracle InForm Publisher again attempts to save the error for the amount of time specified in the Error Expiration (hours) setting.

    Error-DB Failure - Retry Interval (secs) Amount of time between attempts the Oracle InForm Publisher application makes to save an error to the database. The default is 120 seconds.
    Error-DB Failure - Max Retries Number of attempts the Oracle InForm Publisher application makes to save an error to the database before logging a system error and giving up. The default is 3.
  4. Click Save.