To add an ODM Extract Publisher subscriber

  1. In the Add New OdmExtract Publisher Type Subscriber dialog box, enter the information for the new subscriber.
    Field Description
    Subscriber Name Name for the subscriber.
    Endpoint Alias

    Enter a string value.

    When custom events are defined, a destination is specified to control where the result output for the event will be delivered. The EndPointAlias must match the endpoint name specified for the custom event in Oracle Central Designer.

    Endpoint Type

    Select the endpoint type from the drop-down list.

    Options are:

    • DIRECTORY—Local directory endpoint.
    • FTP—FTP endpoint.
    • SOAP—Web services endpoint.
    • CTMS—Sends data to Siebel CTMS.

      Your endpoint type choice determines which options you can configure.

    Endpoint Address The location of the endpoint.
    FTP Local Folder Path The access path to the local FTP folder path.
    FTP Remote Folder Path The access path to the remote FTP folder path.
    Secure Endpoint User Name User name of the web service endpoint URI user. This field is enabled when endpoint type is HTTPS or FTP.
    Secure Endpoint Password Password for the web service endpoint URI user. This field is enabled when endpoint type is HTTPS or FTP.
    Select trials to add to this subscriber One or more trials to associate with the subscriber.
  2. Click OK.
    The Oracle InForm Publisher Configuration dialog box appears.
  3. After a new ODM Extract subscriber is created, you can view or edit the following configuration information.
    Field Description
    Subscriber Type

    Type of subscriber, which specifies the target application associated with the subscriber.

    This field is populated based on your selection in the Add New Subscriber drop-down list.


    Subscriber Name Name for the subscriber.
    Endpoint Web service, local directory, FTP, or CTMS endpoint URI that the InForm Publisher application calls to update data to the subscriber destination.
    Secure Endpoint User Name User name of the web service endpoint URI user. This field is enabled when endpoint type is HTTPS or FTP.
    Secure Endpoint Password Password for the web service endpoint URI user. This field is enabled when endpoint type is HTTPS or FTP.
    Scheduled Push Interval Interval at which the Oracle InForm Publisher software:
    • Retries actions that previously failed due to errors.
    • Checks if any event triggers have evaluated positive and, if they have, sends event ODM data to the subscriber endpoint.
    Gateway Signature Files Path Not supported.
    Endpoint Type Select the endpoint type from the drop-down list.

    Options are:

    • DIRECTORY—Local directory endpoint.
    • FTP—FTP endpoint.
    • SOAP—Web services endpoint
    • CTMS—Sends data to Siebel CTMS.

    Your choice of endpoint type determines which options you can configure.

    Endpoint Address The location of the endpoint.
    FTP Local Folder Path The access path to the local FTP folder path.
    FTP Remote Folder Path The access path to the remote FTP folder path.

    Table 3-2 ODM Extract fields

    Field Description
    Admin/Meta Push

    Data type that needs to be pushed.

    Options are:

    • NONE
    • ADMIN
    • META
    Admin/Meta Frequency (Mins) Scheduled frequency, in minutes, for the Admin and Meta Data push.
    Error Max Age (Hrs) Number of hours since the error activation time for which the error manager retries saving the error.
    Error Retry Expiration (Hrs) Number of the hours since the error creation time that the error manager should activate the errors that have been given up. The default value is 0. This setting is read during the startup of ODM Extract publisher and removed after it is read. This value cannot be less than the OdmExtractErrorMaxAge value, but if that is the case, the code defensively uses this value as the OdmExtractErrorMaxAge value to ensure correct reactivation and expiration logic.
    Error Suppress Error Period (Hrs) Number of hours that ODM Extract Publisher does not report the error for retry. The ODM Extract Publisher reads this value at the start-up time and removes this attribute from the configuration file after the start-up. At run time, the ODM Extract Publisher generates the date and time when the period of suppressing errors should end after this value is read. Any error occurring before this date is only logged as a warning and not retried automatically by the error manager.
    Error Retry Interval (Mins) Interval, in minutes, between error retries.
    Save Error Max Retries Maximum number of attempts for the error manages to retry saving an error.
    Save Error Retry Interval (Secs) Interval in seconds that the error manager should wait to retry saving the error.
  4. Click Save.