
The subscriber command allows you to view and modify subscriber settings. You can define a subscriber for each instance of the target application to which the Oracle Life Sciences InForm Publisher application publishes data.

Parameter Description
subscriber show

Displays a list of subscribers attributes for the subscribers, and associated studies. Includes the following option:



  • All/subscriberName—A specific subscriber. To see a list of all subscribers, specify all.
subscriber remove Removes a specified subscriber from the configuration.
subscriber set

Configures the attributes for a subscriber. You can add one or more attributes. Includes the following option:

[subscriberName] [attr1=value1]


  • subscriberName—Name of the subscriber to configure.
  • attr1—Attribute to set for the subscriber.
  • value1—Value for the attribute.


For a description of the subscriber attributes, see Subscriber
subscriber add

Adds a new subscriber to the configuration. Includes the following options:

[publishertype] [subscriberName] [endpointType][endpoint][endpointAlias][FtpLocalFolderPath] [FtpRemoteFolderPath]


  • publishertype—Type of publisher to associate with the subscriber. For example, ArgusSafety, or OdmExtract.
  • subscriberName—Name of the subscriber to add.
  • endpointtype—Must be either SOAP, FTP, DIRECTORY, or CTMS.

    ODM Extract Publisher only.

  • endpoint—Web service endpoint URI that the Oracle InForm Publisher application calls to update data to the subscriber destination.
  • endpointalias—String value that must match the destination specified in the custom events to be sent to this endpoint.

    ODM Extract Publisher only.

  • ftplocalfolderpath— Local directory name where ODM files are temporarily stored.

    ODM Extract Publisher only. Applicable only when the endpoint type is FTP.

  • ftpremotefolderpath—Remote directory name where ODM files are sent.

    ODM Extract Publisher only. Applicable only when the endpoint type is FTP.


To configure attributes for the subscriber, you must use the subscriber set parameter.
subscriber setCredentials

Configures the SecureEndPointCredentials element for a subscriber. Includes the following option:

[subscriberName] User=[user] [PasswordFile]


  • subscriberName—Name of the subscriber to configure.
  • user—User name of the web service endpoint URI user.
  • PasswordFile—Path to a file that contains the password for the web service endpoint URI user.


To clear the existing secure endpoint credentials, set the User value to blank (for example, PublisherAdmin subscriber setCredentials MySubscriber User=).

To enter the password interactively, do not enter a PasswordFile parameter value (for example PublisherAdmin subscriber setCredentials MySubscriber User=MyUser).