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Specifying a submission type
  1. Select one of the following options:
    • Form—If all of the data in the import file is targeted for regular CRF items.
    • Itemset—If all of the data in the import file is targeted for CRF itemsets. Optionally, to specify that you want to import only data that updates existing itemsets, select Disallow New Itemset Rows.
  2. If you want to import data that only updates existing unscheduled visits, select Disallow New Repeating Visit Instances.
  3. In the Reason String field, type the text that should appear in the Reason for Change section on the Data Value(s) screen if data is updated in the data load. The default reason is Lab Import.
  4. Click Continue.

    The Field Definition dialog box appears.

  5. To define map fields, follow the procedure in Specifying an input field type.
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