Transferring a subject record

You can use the Oracle InForm user interface to transfer subject information one subject at a time. You can also transfer subjects in bulk using the Oracle InForm Data Import utility.

You can transfer subjects who:
  • Change permanent address before completing the study.
  • Have multiple residences throughout the course of the study.
  • Were initially assigned to the wrong sites or to an investigator who is no longer with the study.
Whether you transfer subjects individually, or transfer them in bulk, keep in mind that:
  • The Oracle InForm application only allows you to transfer subjects from one site to another if the study version at the destination site is the same or greater than the study version at the current subject site.

    You can view the study version for a site in the Admin interface in the Oracle InForm user interface.

    You can transfer only subjects who are fully enrolled; you cannot transfer a subject who is screened but not enrolled or a subject who has failed enrollment.

To transfer a subject record from one site to another, use the following elements: