Integrating Oracle SQL Developer or Oracle SQL*Plus with the Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub

To use Oracle SQL Developer or SQL*Plus as an IDE for Oracle LSH PL/SQL Programs, each Definer must do the following on his or her local PC:

  • Install Oracle SQL Developer or SQL*Plus in the location specified by the system administrator.

  • Install the Oracle LSH client plug-in by inserting the CD-ROM supplied by the system administrator.

  • Ensure that cdrconfig.xml has the correct directory path for the Oracle SQL Developer (or SQL*Plus) executable.


    If the Definer has both Oracle SQL Developer and SQL*Plus installed on the local computer, he or she can switch between the two IDEs by changing the executable directory path in cdrconfig.xml.

  • Start Oracle SQL Developer or SQL*Plus and create a connection to the Oracle LSH database. The username and password for this connection must be those of an Oracle LSH database user account.

  • Follow the steps in Set the NLS_LANG Environment Variable to UTF8.

  • Install Winzip Pro 11.2 SR-1, Winzip 8.1, or any other Winzip that includes the WZUNZIP.exe

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