5 Browser support

Use a supported or certified web browser to ensure expected functionality and technical support.

Our goal is to provide customers with the best experience and advanced capabilities while maintaining maximum security. As products are enhanced, older browsers may no longer provide the capabilities required to support these key objectives. We test the current release as follows to certify and/or support browsers:

  • Certified browsers undergo full testing for new features and regressions. Browser-related issues found after release are prioritized for fixes in future patches or releases.
  • Supported browsers undergo focused testing on commonly-used pages. We also address all browser-related critical and blocker issues that originate in our applications.

The following table specifies the certified and supported browsers for desktop and laptop computers:

Product Release Certified (Latest versions as of GA) Supported (Latest version as of GA)
Oracle Site Activate 24.1 Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge (Chromium) None
Site Experience and Oracle Site Activate LITE 24.1 Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge (Chromium) Mozilla Firefox