2 About viewing reports and using Tableau

Learn about the Oracle Site Analyze project dashboard and workbooks and see how users can export and share report data.

Project dashboard and workbooks

When you log into Oracle Site Analyze, you’ll see a list of projects - each of these projects include workbooks that contain standard reports

For the following reports, Oracle Site Analyze users will view only those studies that they have permission to view in Oracle Site Activate:

  • All Activities + Notes
  • Contract Module Dashboard
  • Milestone and Submission Planning
  • Milestone Prediction Dashboard
  • Open Activities
  • Site IP Release Package Dashboard
  • Study Summary Dashboard
  • Submissions and Approval Status
For the following reports, Oracle Site Analyze users will view only those studies that they have permission to view in Oracle Site Select:
  • Next Actions
  • Notes Report
  • Site Progress
  • Site Study Interest and Exclusion
  • Survey Response Analysis

With any Oracle Site Analyze report, you can sort and filter the data. You can restore any changes you make to the original format or save them permanently. You can also turn off automatic updates, so the data you see remains consistent during your editing experience. Subscribe to reports and receive email updates daily or weekly when the report data changes.

On the Workbooks page, you can select the check box next to a report to access additional features.

  • Edit: allows you to edit the report, if you have appropriate permissions
  • Download: saves the report (you can use the Tableau desktop application to open downloaded reports)
  • Tag: you can associate the report with a category you define; this way, you can easily find the report by filtering by the category name
  • Permissions: allows you to determine who can view, interact with, and edit reports (if you have been granted permission to control permissions)
  • Move: use this to move the report to another folder or project in the workbook
  • Change owner: not enabled for view only users
  • Extract refresh: not enabled for view only users
  • Tabbed views: allows you to view all reports in the workbook as tabs
  • Delete: allows you to delete the workbook, if you have appropriate permissions

Export formats

You can export your report data in the following formats:

  • spreadsheet (single or multiple tab)
  • Adobe Acrobat (PDF) format
  • Microsoft PowerPoint
  • image (PNG) format


We recommend that you use either spreadsheet or PDF format. If your report contains charts, graphs, or other images, those are not included when you export in spreadsheet format. Additionally, when you export a dashboard, you see only what appears on your screen; to export all pages in a report, always export the entire report.

Sharing web views

You can share Oracle Site Analyze reports with others on your study team or external partners. When you share, recipients receive an email that contains a link to view the report.


Anyone with whom you share a report must have Oracle Site Analyze access. However, you can export an Oracle Site Analyze report and send it to those without access.