Assign CDA digital signers


If your organization has subscribed to and enabled Adobe Sign integration for CDAs, Oracle Site Select supports assigning one digital signer for the site and one digital counter signer. Site users will complete the signature process before counter signers begin the process.
  1. From the manage menu, click document approvals.
  2. On the Document Approvals page, select a country from the grid.
  3. On the Final Review tab, click Actions (Actions icon) for the document that requires digital signature. The document must have a “Signature type” of “D signature.”
  4. In the Document action modal, click the Send for digital signatures radio button.
  5. In the green panel, use the Site Signer drop-down menu to select the site signer who will digitally sign the document in Adobe Sign.
  6. You may optionally add a private note to the Site signer, which will display only in Adobe Sign.
  7. You may optionally use the Counter Signer drop-down menu to identify an Oracle Site Select user who will be assigned to counter sign the document in Adobe Sign.
  8. You may optionally add a private note to the Counter Signer, which will display only in Adobe Sign.
  9. Click Attach document to upload a document for signature.
  10. Click Done.