Configure account level study disinterest and exclusion reasons

You can template reasons for site disinterest and exclusion at the account level. Configured account level reasons automatically populate for new studies in the order defined in the template. Study administrators can modify prepopulated reasons when setting up a new study without affecting the saved account template.

You must have Account disinterest and exclusion configuration permission to complete this task.
  1. In the top navigation bar, hover over account and choose Disinterest and exclusion.
  2. Click the Exclude from feasibility or Site not interested tab.
  3. If you clicked Exclude from feasibility, optionally toggle the Require reasons... switch (On off switch) to the on (right side) position. This switch does not apply to the Site not interested tab.
  4. To add a custom reason, type the reason in the Exclusion reason or Site disinterest reason field. Click Add.
  5. To delete any default or custom reason, click the reason in the list to populate the Exclusion reason or Site disinterest reason field above the list. Click Remove.
  6. To reorder the list, grab the six point handle (Drag drop and reorder handle) to the left of any reason, drag the reason up or down the list to the preferred location, then drop the reason in place.
  7. At the upper right, click Save.