Defining study disinterest and exclusion reasons

When sites indicate they are disinterested in study participation, they must provide one or more reasons. Administrators can specify a list of reasons displayed to sites in Oracle Site Select LITE or when Oracle Site Select users complete tasks on behalf of a site.

If you have the appropriate permission, you can standardize disinterest and exclusion reasons across studies using reason templates you configure at your organization's account level. Reason configuration at the account level allows you to add and remove free text reasons, optionally switch on a setting to require reasons, and adjust default reasons to your preferred order.

Configured account level reasons automatically populate for new studies in the order you define in the template. Study administrators can modify pre-populated reasons when setting up a new study without affecting the saved account template. Account level reasons can also be added or removed from the templates at any time without affecting the reasons populated on existing studies. The updated set of reasons will populate a new study created after changes are saved at the account level.

By design, Oracle Site Select does not support configuration of disinterest reason templates at the Teams or Business Partner Collaboration levels.

Account disinterest and exclusion configuration page
Defining the site decline list is easy: add new reasons (100 characters max.), drag-and-drop reasons to a new display order, and remove reasons as preferred by selecting and clicking "Remove." Administrators can also optionally require the Oracle Site Select user to specify a reason when excluding a site from feasibility.


By default, the "Require reasons..." toggle will be switched on. You can switch off the toggle to disable the required entry if appropriate to the study or your organization's standard operating procedures.
Manage reasons for excluding a site from feasibility

On the study level page below, you can add a new disinterest reason, or discard any changes to restore the default list and order. You can also drag and drop reasons to a new display order or remove a reason

Manage disinterest reasons for a study