Feasibility surveys

A new enhanced scoring export includes scoring setup criteria, scored questions no longer require category, and reporting views include Percentage question type data.

Enhanced scoring export

Release 23.3 introduces a new “Export enhanced questions and criteria report” option that will include the scoring setup criteria for feasibility survey questions in the export. With this option, a user can export the scoring configuration with all survey questions or only those questions marked as Scored. By design, the new enhanced export option does not support formatting with questions as rows. The Export questions as rows formatting option is disabled automatically when the user chooses the enhanced export option.

Feasibility survey question scoring page with new enhanced export option

Epic: SEL-16124

Save scoring configuration with uncategorized scored questions

An enhancement to the feasibility survey scoring configuration allows survey managers to save their progress when configuring feasibility scoring by now allowing survey scoring configurations to be saved without specifying a category for scored questions.

Epic: SEL-16124

Percentage question type data in reporting views

Recent enhancements to include feasibility survey questions and responses for Alchemer percentage type questions did not include migration for data saved before the 23.1.1 release. With this 23.3 release, applicable reporting views now have data for percentage type questions for feasibility surveys completed before April 2023.

Epic: SEL-16124