Workflow tasks

Now you can optionally allow site users to complete certain workflow tasks at any point in the workflow.

Workflow task completion order

A new workflow task configuration option will allow site users to complete certain tasks at any point in their assigned workflow. All site and internal workflow tasks now include this option: “The task becomes due after this task is completed.” The new option is enabled (checked) by default, and we’ve updated the default behavior for the Generic document task to be enabled by default as well.

Expected behavior for the task is:

  • New option enabled (default): no behavior change for the task. The next task in the workflow will show only when the site completes the current task.
  • New option disabled: The task will show in Oracle Site Select LITE along with the next workflow task. Completing this workflow task is not required to proceed in the workflow.

To help users understand the impact of using this option, we added the following helper text: “By default the workflow task is gated. When this option is not enabled, site users will see this task in parallel with other workflow tasks until complete. There is no completion order enforced when this option is unchecked."

New workflow task completion order option

Epic: SEL-16124