Marking a not participating site as participating

You can mark a not participating site as participating again. Users associated with such sites are no longer considered terminated.

  1. Select Sites from the menu bar.
  2. Select the sponsor company and trial from the Current Sponsor Company and Trial drop-down lists.
  3. In the lower left, click View Not Participating Sites.
  4. Select the checkbox to the left of the site to mark as participating.
  5. Click Mark as Participating.
    • When a site is terminated (marked as not participating) and then reinstated (marked as participating):
      • The same criteria that is used for the automatic association of users to new sites is used for the reinstated site.
      • The audit history in the Sites tab now tracks when a site is terminated and then reinstated. To see the audit history, click the History icon for the Site Number field on the Site Details page.
    • If the Oracle InForm User Management Tool configuration setting Default Study Version is set to Multiple, you can select a specific study version when you reinstate a site through the user interface.
  6. To go back to the previous page, click Return.