15 Release Notes 24.2.1

NetSuite for Government 24.2.1 Release Notes

Revision Date: February 27, 2024


This document summarizes the changes to NetSuite for Government between 24.2.1 and the previous release. These release notes are subject to change every week.

The 24.2.1 enhancements and changes listed in this document are not available to customers until they are upgraded to NetSuite for Government 24.2.1. Your access to these features and SuiteApps is subject to the terms of service in your NetSuite for Government contract.

Please also review the NetSuite general release notes for a comprehensive view of changes to the release. During this release period, NetSuite version 2023.2 is released. The general NetSuite release notes are accessible at this link:


NetSuite for Government Version 24.2.1 – Release Date February 27, 2024


  • Government Budget Validation Setup:
    • Overage Warning message and Overage Block message are now moved from NetSuite for Government setup to Budget control.
  • General Ledger Summary screen:
    • Reports that shows all transactions with details may help with issues investigation and allow to run some tests on production – Administrator only.
    • Excluded the "Non-Posting" account type from the Budget vs Actuals in the General Ledger Summary page.
  • Government Budget Validation on Transactions:
    • Ensured that editing a new transaction recalculates the budget for budget validation criteria.
  • GASB Reports:
    • Added Statement of activity template and Statement of Precision to system setup – Administrator only.
    • Added fields to the account record for statement of activities categories – Administrator only.
  • Financial Report Builder:
    • Deprecated Account number mapping, Division mapping, Cash flow statement – New reporting features coming in future releases.
  • Purchase order enhancement:
    • Added Pay by Amount checkbox to the Purchase order. Disables the quantity field and defaults quantity to 1 and rate to blank.
    • The value of the Pay by Amount check field cannot be changed if there are existing vendor bills. It will reset the quantity and rate but preserve the amount on all line items.
    • Pay by Amount Purchase order does not allow saving if there is an inventory item on it .
    • Disables the Quantity field, sets Rate to blank, defaults to zero when paying a “Pay by Amount” type of Purchase order on the Vendor bill.
    • Added a Full Payment checkbox field. If checked, it defaults the quantity to one so that the Purchase order line item will be fully billed. A default on this field is implemented to automatically check the Full Payment box to assist with managing full payments. This box can always be overridden by the user.
  • Quick Code – Foundational
    • Users now have the ability to create multiple quick codes based on the combinations for Fund, Department and Account selected by the user – Administrator only.
    • Removed Fund Validation scripts and Fund Validation fields – Administrator only.
    • Changed the order of fields for Item tab and Expense tab – Administrator only.
  • Project Tracking Fields:
    • Created the Project Type field which includes the ability to create Types and SubTypes. These are user-defined codes set up in the Accounting List screen.
  • Procurement and Payables Approvals:
    • Deprecated the Approval Rule Assistant functionality in favor of using SuiteFlow.
  • Planning and Budgeting – Expense Module:
    • New saved searches to include encumbrances – Foundational.
  • Role Permissions:
    • Corrected an issue with access to the "AP proof Reporting" where the user/ role must have the View permission of "Tax reports" under the Reports Tab on the role's permission screen.
    • Added Payment Aggregation permission for NetSuite for Government A/P Clerk, Finance Director, Accountant to generate Electronic Funds Transfer and Positive Pay files.

Various Fixes and Performance Improvements

Human Resources and Payroll:
  • HCM-Fund Allocation:
    • Users can now use the Payroll Posting Map to configure payroll postings according to selection criteria.
    • Updated Fund allocation on Liabilities for Payroll checks, Direct deposit, Employer paid benefits and Employee deductions.
    • The user can assign the project task to the default fund allocation, Employee fund, Pay code, Hour code or payroll posting map with filtering based on the parent project.
  • Timecard Screen:
    • The Timesheet now displays the position and pay records that span the given date.
    • Displays the applicable employee position and pay record on the Timesheet screen based on the timecard date.
  • State Compliance Pre-Requisites and Reports (PERS, SUI, W2):
    • Employee fields added for Wyoming State Reporting.
    • Users can now set California Retirement (PERS) specific fields on the employee's retirement record.
    • Wage Plan Code is now enabled on the employee record> Compliance tab for California employees.
    • Users can now set Mississippi Retirement (PERS) specific fields on the employee retirement record.
    • Users can now set California Retirement (PERS) specific pay buckets on pay and hour codes for state retirement reporting.
    • Resolves issues where the alternative name configuration varies among clients. The Report will now source to the employee's name from the employee record.
    • Users can now assign the Kentucky Public Pension information to the employee retirement record for reporting.
    • Users can now set Michigan Retirement (PERS) specific fields on the employee retirement record.
    • Users can now set Arkansas Retirement (PERS) specific fields on the employee retirement record.
    • Users can now set Arizona Retirement (PERS) specific fields on the employee retirement record.
  • Payroll Enhancement requests:
    • Enabled all fields on the Approvals tab and portlet in the employee record. Removed enable/disable logic based on the delegate check box. Made all fields optional except Require the End date when the Begin date is set.
    • Timecards will filter the position and pay record to only display applicable positions based on the timecard date.
  • Payroll Setup Tables and Pay codes:
    • Validates that multiple position and pay records are not created with the same priority and overlapping effective dates.
    • Refactored the employee benefit plan sublist on the Benefit plan in order to improve performance.
    • Added Employee Groups, Retirement Plans, and Time-off Category Mapping records to the navigation menu of Payroll and HR>Other Setup.
    • Added default end dates to all payroll UI screens so that all reports now have an end date that can be used in search criteria.
  • Employee W2 record enhancements:
    • Allows user an ability to make corrections to W2s in mass by deleting multiple/all records instead of one record at a time.
  • State Tax Calculation:
    • Users can now calculate California Employee Income Tax.
Various Fixes and Performance Improvements