4 Forecast Setup Task

This chapter describes the Forecast Setup task for RDF Cloud Service.

Forecast Setup Workspace

The Forecast Setup workspace allows you access to all of the views listed in Forecast Setup Workspace.

The workspace is intended for the business user, who sets high level forecast parameters such as forecast length, start, or end. It is also the place to select adjustment and approval strategies through the exception management capabilities provided by RPAS.

For details on forecasting algorithms and how to tune analytical parameters, refer to the Oracle Retail Science Platform User Guide.

To build the Forecast Setup workspace, perform these steps:

  1. From the left sidebar menu, click the Task Module to view the available tasks.

    Figure 4-1 Task Module

    Task Module

  2. Click the Forecast activity and then click Setup to access the available workspaces.

  3. Click Weekly Forecast. The wizard opens.

    You can open an existing workspace, but to create a new workspace, click Create New Workspace.

    Figure 4-2 Weekly Forecast Wizard

    Weekly Forecast Wizard

  4. Enter a name for your new workspace in the label text box and click OK.

    Figure 4-3 Enter Workspace Label

    Enter Workspace Label

  5. The Workspace wizard opens. Select the products you want to work with and click Next.

    Figure 4-4 Workspace Wizard: Select Products

    Workspace Wizard: Select Products

  6. Select the locations you want to work with and click Finish.

    Figure 4-5 Workspace Wizard: Select Locations

    Workspace Wizard: Select Locations

  7. The wizard notifies you that your workspace is being prepared. Successful workspaces are available from the Dashboard.

    Figure 4-6 Successful Workspace Build

    Successful Workspace Build

The Forecast Setup workspace is built. This workspace contains these steps:

General Step

The available views are:

Basic Parameters View

The Basic Parameters view allows you to view and set high level information. For instance, you can set the approval policy or determine the time frame for which forecast is required.

Figure 4-7 Basic Parameters View

Basic Parameters View

Measures: Basic Parameters View

The Basic Parameters view contains the following measures:

Forecast Start Date

This is the starting date of the forecast. If no value is specified at the time of forecast generation, the system uses the data/time at which the batch is executed as the default value. If a value is specified in this field and it is used to successfully generate the batch forecast, this value is cleared.

Forecast Length

The Forecast Length is used with the Forecast Start Date to determine forecast horizon. The forecast length is based on the calendar dimension of the final-level. For example, if the forecast length is to be 10 weeks, the setting for a final-level at day is 70 (10 x 7 days).

Approval Method

This field is a list from which you select the default automatic approval policy for forecast items. Valid values are:

  • Manual

    The system-generated forecast is not automatically approved. Forecast values must be manually approved by accessing and amending the Forecast Review view

  • Automatic

    The system-generated quantity is automatically approved as is.

  • By Alert

    This list of values may also include any Forecast Approval alerts that have been configured for use in the forecast approval process. Alerts are configured during the implementation and can be enabled to be used for Forecast Approval in the Enable Alert for Forecast Approval view. Refer to the Oracle Retail Predictive Application Server Configuration Tools User Guide for more information on the Alert Manager. The Alert Parameters view contains a list and descriptions of available alerts, and for which level (causal/baseline) that they are designed for.

Advanced Parameters View

The Advanced Parameters view allows you to set default values for parameters that are less frequently accessed, such as History length or measures affecting cumulative interval calculations.

Figure 4-8 Advanced Parameters View

Advanced Parameters View

Measures: Advanced Parameters View

The Advanced Parameters view contains the following measures:

History Length

This measure lets you control how many periods are used by the forecast engine when calculating the base demand.

History Prerange Length

This measure lets you control how many calendar positions are showed in the wizard prior to RPAS_TODAY when building the Forecast Review workbook.

The historical positions (before RPAS_TODAY/forecast start date) displayed in the wizard are decided by the number entered here, and the history length used to forecast the level.

If the number displayed here is 10 and the history length is 17, the number of positions before today, are pre-ranged in the wizard to:

MAX (History Prerange Length, History Length) = MAX (10, 17) = 17

Adjust Forecast Method

This measure allows you to choose how to automatically adjust the system generated forecast. The options are:

  • No Adjustment

    No adjustment is made to the system generated forecast

  • Keep Last Change

    If any adjustments were done to the forecast in the previous runs, they are reflected in the Adjusted Forecast measure. In this use case, the total forecast is retained.

  • Keep Last Baseline

    If any adjustments were done in the Adjusted Baseline in the previous runs, they are retained. In this use case. the system calculated peaks are applied on the Adjusted Baseline

  • Keep Last Peak

    If any adjustments were done in the Adjusted Peak measure in the previous runs, they are retained. In this use case, the adjusted peaks are applied on the system calculated baseline.

Updating Last Week Forecast

This field is a list from which you can select the method for updating the Approved Forecast for the last specified number of weeks of the forecast horizon. This option is valid only if the Approval Method Override is set to Manual or Approve by alert, and the alert was rejected. The choices are:

  • No change

    When using this method, the last week in the forecast horizon does not have an Approved Forecast value. The number of weeks is determined number of weeks elapsed between the forecast start date and the last approval date.

  • Replicate

    When using this method the last weeks in the forecast horizon are forecast using the Approved Forecast for the week corresponding to the last approval date.

  • Use Forecast

    When using this method, the System Forecast for the last weeks in the forecast horizon is approved.

Interval Lower Ratio

The value entered in this field multiplied by the forecast represents the lower bound of the confidence interval for a given period in the forecast horizon.

Interval Upper Ratio

The value entered in this filed multiplied by the forecast represents the upper bound of the confidence interval for a given period in the forecast horizon.

Run Forecast

This field let's you specify if the forecast should be run for this final level. This is useful if multiple final levels are available, and the need is to forecast only a subset of them.

Intermediate Level View

It allows you to view and set high level information, but below the global settings. For instance, you can select the approval policy or determine the history length used to calculate base demand.

Figure 4-9 Intermediate Level View

Intermediate Level View

Measures: Intermediate Level View

The Intermediate Level view contains the following measures:

Forecast Length at Intermediate

The Forecast Length is used with the Forecast Start Date to determine forecast horizon. The forecast length is based on the calendar dimension of the final-level. For example, if the forecast length is to be 10 weeks, the setting for a final-level at day is 70 (10 x 7 days).

If the final level is at day, and the forecast length override is specified, it can happen that the week level forecast is generated for an additional week in the future. However, when spread to day, the forecast length is respected.

The previous circumstance covers for the following case. The forecast is generated on a Tuesday, and the forecast length override 14. If a week is starting Monday, the forecast generated at week level is going to be three weeks long. However, it is going to be spread to day for only the desired 14 days.

Approve Method at Intermediate

This field is a list from which you select the default automatic approval policy for forecast items. Valid values are:

  • Manual

    The system-generated forecast is not automatically approved. Forecast values must be manually approved by accessing and amending the Forecast Review view.

  • Automatic

    The system-generated quantity is automatically approved as is.

  • By Alert

    This list of values may also include any Forecast Approval alerts that have been configured for use in the forecast approval process. Alerts are configured during the implementation and can be enabled to be used for Forecast Approval in the Enable Alert for Forecast Approval view. Refer to the Oracle Retail Predictive Application Server Configuration Tools User Guide for more information on the Alert Manager. The Alert Parameters view contains a list and descriptions of available alerts, and for which level (causal/baseline) that they are designed for.

Adjust Forecast Method at Intermediate

This measure allows you to automatically adjust the system generated forecast.

The options are:

  • No Adjustment

    No adjustment is made to the system generated forecast

  • Keep Last Change

    If any adjustments were done to the forecast in the previous runs, they are reflected in the Adjusted Forecast measure. In this use case, the total forecast is retained.

  • Keep Last Baseline

    If any adjustments were done in the Adjusted Baseline in the previous runs, they are retained. In this use case. the system calculated peaks are applied on the Adjusted Baseline

  • Keep Last Peak

    If any adjustments were done in the Adjusted Peak measure in the previous runs, they are retained. In this use case, the adjusted peaks are applied on the system calculated baseline.

History Length at Intermediate

This is the override of the History Length in Basic Parameters.

Final Level View

The Final Level view allows you to override some default measures, such as forecast start and end dates, or override the approval policy.

Figure 4-10 Final Level View

Final Level View

Measures: Final Level View

The Final Level view contains the following measures:

History Length at Final

This is the override of the History Length in Basic Parameters.

Forecast Start Date at Final

This is the override of the Forecast Start Date in Basic Parameters.

If the final level is at day, and the forecast length override is specified, it can happen that the week level forecast is generated for an additional week in the future. However, when spread to day, the forecast length is respected.

The previous circumstance covers for the following case. The forecast is generated on a Tuesday, and the forecast length override 14. If a week is starting Monday, the forecast generated at week level is going to be three weeks long. However, it is going to be spread to day for only the desired 14 days.

Forecast Length at Final

This is the override of the Forecast Length in Basic Parameters.

Forecast End Date at Final

This is the override of the Forecast End Date in Basic Parameters.

Adjust Forecast Method at Final

This is the override of the Adjust Forecast Method in Advanced Parameters .

Approval Method at Final

Set only at the final-level, the Approval Method at Final is a list from which you select the approval policy for individual product/location combinations. The options are:

  • No at Final

    The default approval policy is used

  • Manual

    The system-generated forecast is not automatically approved. Forecast values must be manually approved by accessing and amending the Forecast Review view

  • Automatic

    The system-generated quantity is automatically approved as is.

By Alert

This list of values may also include any Forecast Approval alerts that have been configured for use in the forecast approval process. Alerts are configured during the implementation and can be enabled to be used for Forecast Approval in the Enable Alert for Forecast Approval view. Refer to the Oracle Retail Predictive Application Server Configuration Tools User Guide for more information on the Alert Manager. The Alert Parameters view contains a list and descriptions of available alerts, and for which level (causal/baseline) that they are designed for.

Exception Management Step

The available views are:

Basic Parameters View

The Basic Parameters view allows you to view and edit threshold for approval exceptions.

Figure 4-11 Basic Parameters View

Basic Parameters View

Measures: Basic Parameters View

The Basic Parameters view contains the following measures:

Alert – Calculation Periods

The number stored in this field defines the number of calculations periods used in generating exceptions.

Alert – Error Threshold

This field stores the value that determines if a forecast error is acceptable, or if it needs to be flagged as exception.

Alert – Average Sales Threshold

Threshold used in deciding if average sales are high or low, depending on how they compare against the value.

Alert - Causal Peak Factor

This measure is relevant for promotional forecasting. The current forecast values are divided by the maximum historical demand. If the result is larger than the value of this measure, the forecast may be too large and an exception is triggered

Recent Sales Window

This field determines the time frame over which recent sales are considered in the exception calculations.

Current Period Window

This field stores the number of periods, going back from today, used to calculate various key metrics, such as service level or number of out-of-stock units. This is meant to be for the current periods, so the value should be something reflecting the current state. For instance the current service level could be calculated for the past week, so four or five periods

Historic Service Level Window

This field stores the number of periods, going back from today, used to calculate various key metrics, such as service level or number of out-of-stock units. This is meant to be for the historic level, so the value should be something reflecting a longer past period. For instance the current service level could be calculated for the past year or half year, so twenty six or fifty two periods.

Intermediate Level View

The Intermediate Level view allows you to view and edit threshold for approval exceptions at a level lower than in the Basic Parameters view. A typical level is subclass/region.

Figure 4-12 Intermediate Level View

Intermediate Level View
Measures: Intermediate Level View

The Intermediate Level View contains the following measures:

Alert – Average Sales Threshold at Intermediate

Threshold used in deciding if average sales are high or low, depending on how they compare against the value.

Alert – Calculation Periods at Intermediate

The number stored in this field defines the number of calculations periods used in generating exceptions.

Alert – Error Threshold at Intermediate

This field stores the value that determines if a forecast error is acceptable, or if it needs to be flagged as exception.

Alert - Causal Peak Factor at Intermediate

This measure is relevant for promotional forecasting. The current forecast values are divided by the maximum historical demand. If the result is larger than the value of this measure, the forecast may be too large and an exception is triggered.

Current Period Window at Intermediate

This field stores the number of periods, going back from today, used to calculate the service level. This is meant to be for the current level, so the value should be something reflecting the current state. For instance the current service level could be calculated for the past week, so four or five periods.

Historic Period Window at Intermediate

This field stores the number of periods, going back from today, used to calculate the service level. This is meant to be for the historic level, so the value should be something reflecting a longer past period. For instance the current service level could be calculated for the past year or half year, so twenty six or fifty two periods.

Recent Sales Window at Intermediate

This field determines the time frame over which recent sales are considered in the exception calculations.

Final Level View

The Final Level view allows you to view and edit threshold for approval exceptions at a levels typically lower than in both the Basic Parameters as well as Intermediate Level views. The intersection may be as low as sku/store.

Figure 4-13 Final Level View

Final Level View

Flexible Grouping Step

The available views are:

Group Label View

The Group Label view allows you to view and edit the labels of the groups. While RDF CS GA comes with generic labels, like Time Series Group xyz, it is in this view where you can assign more meaningful labels. For instance, perhaps the criteria to create a group is to check for sales volume. In this case the groups can be labeled; High, Medium, or Low. Or if the criteria is price, then the labels could be either Premium, Moderate, or Economy

Figure 4-14 Group Label View

Group Label View

Measures: Group Label View

The Group Label view contains the following measure:

Group Label

This is where you can enter the desired labels.

Group Assignments View

The assignments of product and/or locations to groups is usually done programmatically using some kind of business rules. However, the Group Assignments View allows you to manually assign product or location combinations to certain groups.

For instance, if you want to group products by sales volume, then label the groups as High, Medium, or Low and then assign the relevant merchandise to them.

Figure 4-15 Group Assignments View

Group Assignments View

Measures: Group Assignments View

The Group Assignments view contains the following measure:

Group Assignment Position

Use this to manually assign product or locations to groups.