A Appendix: Generating the Configuration for Plug-in Options

Demand Forecasting Cloud Service supports generating different configurations using plug-in automation for different configuration options. Default configuration available in the Starter Kit includes all solutions and all plug-in-options enabled. If you want to use the different configuration options, then copy the plug-ins folder from the package to the RIDE_HOME/resources directory and then run generate the configuration with the required configuration options.

Creating the Configuration Using Plug-ins

Perform the following steps to extend and deploy the RDF application.

  1. Download the RDF_Starter_Kit.zip and unzip the content.

  2. Open the RPAS Cloud Edition Configuration Tools from the Starter Kit and open the configuration RDF within the starter kit.

  3. Save the configuration and exit the RPAS Cloud Edition Configuration Tools.

  4. Open the Cygwin from where config tools was launched and then go to the bin directory.

    cd $RIDE_HOME/bin;

  5. Run the following plug-in script to generate the RDF configuration. In the following example -c should be followed with full cygwin path where you have unzipped the starter kit.

    The example uses the directory: /cygdrive/c/Oracle/RDF_Starter_Kit.

  6. Run this script:

    ra_auto_gen_config.ksh -c /cygdrive/c/Oracle/RDF_Starter_Kit -n RDF -clean -genAllFiles

    The script should run and complete with non-zero return code as shown in Figure A-1.

    Figure A-1 Run the Script

    Run the Script
  7. After the solution is generated, zip the RDF folder and name it as RDF_config.zip. It can be used during application build or patching of the configuration.