4 MFP Setup Task

MFP Setup is part of the MFP Maintenance Activity. In MFP Setup, the administrator will maintain basic application settings related to the planning calendar, local currency, and VAT.

The steps within the MFP Setup Task:

History Mapping Step

The History Mapping step is used by the administrator to map the weeks for last year and last last year (two years ago).

The History Mappings step contains one view, History Mapping.

History Mapping View

When a new calendar year is loaded, these values are automatically populated for the new year by the weekly batch. Use this view to make any updates needed in week mapping to most accurately account for moving holidays, promotions, and also to set up 52 to 53 week mappings.

The last year's (Ly) mapping is used to identify which week to map to in order to Seed from Ly, and review Ly values in a workspace.

The last last year (Lly) is used to identify which week to map to for reviewing history from two years prior in a workspace.


A week can be mapped to more than one Ly or Lly week to account for 53 week years. Separate weeks with a comma. If more than one week needs to be assigned, then those week positions should be separated with a space. Those week positions data will then be aggregated.

Figure 4-1 History Mapping View

History Mapping View

Table 4-1 History Mapping View Measures

Measure Description

Lag Ly

Identifies the week used for mapping as adjusted last year.

Lag Lly

Identifies the week that is being used for mapping as last last year (two years ago).

Week ID

Identifies the internal week position for the current week for reference. This is useful for copying week positions when manually setting Lag Ly and Lag Lly.

Local Currency Step

The Local Currency step provides support for administering the local currency configuration. This view is only available when the provision option with local currency is implemented.

The Local Currency step contains two views:

Local Currency Rate View

Within this view, you set the local currency conversion rate for each Channel by Week. The conversion rate is set in relation to the sales currency, often the corporate currency.

Figure 4-2 Local Currency Rate View

Local Currency Rate View

Table 4-2 Local Currency Rate View Measure

Measure Description

Local Currency Rate

The rate used to convert values from the primary currency to the local currency for a given Channel/Week.

Local Currency Symbol View

Within this view, the planning administrator sets the local currency symbol for each channel. This currency symbol can be included as the Location attribute in all Local Currency views.

For example, in Figure 4-3 the BRA Brick & Mortar channel has R$ as its local currency symbol, which indicates that local currency values for this channel are in Brazilian Real. All local currency BRA Brick & Mortar monetary values are displayed with R$.

Figure 4-3 Local Currency Symbol View

Local Currency Symbol View

Table 4-3 Local Currency Symbol View Measure

Measure Description

Local Currency Symbol

The graphic symbol associated with the channel's local currency.

VAT Setup Step

The VAT Setup step allows a planning administrator to enter the Value Added Tax (VAT) rate for each subclass by week.

The VAT Setup step contains a single view, VAT Setup.

VAT Setup View

In this view, the planning administrator inputs the VAT% (sales) and VAT C % (cost rate).

When planning sales retail, the VAT% rate is applied to gross sales and then returns are subtracted to calculate net sales. If no VAT% rate is planned, then net sales are simply determined as gross sales less returns.

VAT Rate% is stored at Week/Subclass/Channel.

Figure 4-4 VAT Setup View

VAT Setup View

Table 4-4 VAT Setup View Measures

Measure Description


The default Value Added Tax (VAT) rate percentage applied to sales. This value should be set if there are taxes that are applied to the sale of goods.


The Value Added Tax rate percentage for the cost of goods. This value should be set if there are taxes that are applied on the purchase of goods.

Batch Setup Step

The Batch Setup step provides the ability to control the integration source for merchandise foundation data, as well as which periods and positions are included when plans are exported. The values set in this step are employed in batch (along with corresponding Approved/Submitted/Seeded Info measures) to set export flags for all the plan versions that are exportable from MFP Retail Cloud Service:

  • Merch Plan Current Plan (MP Cp)

  • Merch Plan Original Plan (MP Op)

  • Merch Plan Waiting for Approval Plan (MP Wa)

  • Merch Plan Working Plan (MP Wp)

  • Location Plan Current Plan (LP Cp)

  • Location Plan Original Plan (LP Op)

  • Location Plan Working Plan (LP Wp)

  • Merch Targets Target (MT Tgt)

  • Merch Targets Working Plan (MT Wp)

  • Location Targets Target (LT Tgt)

  • Location Targets Working Plan (LT Wp)

The planner or administrator indicates whether elapsed periods should be included and which positions should be exported in the following two views:

Batch Setup View

Within this view, the business system administrator or system administrator designates whether or not elapsed periods should be included when exporting plan data. The system administrator will also designate whether or not Oracle Retail Merchandising Foundation Cloud Service is integrated with MFPCS.

Table 4-5 Batch Setup View Measures

Measure Description

Enable RMF CS Integration

This flag controls whether or not additional batch processes run to format RMF CS data into load-ready format. Set this value to True when integrating with RMF CS.

Export Elapsed Periods

When selected, this flag indicates that data for the elapsed periods must be exported. By default, this value is unchecked, meaning that only data for unelapsed periods will be included in the exported plan data.

Batch Uses RDX

This setting is enabled for all the integration from RDX.

Enable Daily Exports

If you have extended the MFP solution, this flag enables you to turn off the standard daily exports in favor of your solution-specific configured exports.

Enable Weekly Exports

If you have extended the MFP solution, this flag enables you to turn off the standard weekly exports in favor of your solution-specific configured exports.

Export Setup View

Within this view, the planning administrator selects the positions that will be included when exporting plan data for all versions.

Figure 4-5 Export Setup View

Export Setup View

Table 4-6 Export Setup View Measure

Measure Description

Export Mask

Allows the user to control which positions are exported for all plan versions. When selected, the Department/Channel/Half is included when exporting plan data. By default, this Boolean is checked for all positions. If the user wants to exclude any Department/Channel/Half from exporting, you must clear this Boolean.

The export flags are set based on Export Mask and Approved or Submitted Info for Approved or Submitted Plans and Seeded Info for Working Plans.