1 Administration Tasks Overview

The intent of this document is to guide a Retail Analytics and Planning (RAP) Administrator to perform the recurring administrative activities for all applications you have licensed within the platform. In some cases, the details will be explained in this document, and in other cases, only the general process will be covered and details will be explained in individual applications’ Administration Guides.

Administration activities for RAP applications fall into two general categories:

  • Maintenance Activities – Tasks where you will be expected to change a configuration, run a process, or update the application in some manner

  • Monitoring Activities – Tasks where you will need to gather information or assess the status of an application or process, but not necessarily take any action

Each of the sections in this document will highlight the most common administrative tasks within the context of performing one or both of these activity types. If the administrative task is specific to a single application (rather than multiple applications or the entire platform) then you may follow the provided links and references to access additional information on that topic. The table below summarizes the topics covered in this document.

Table 1-1 Administration Tasks Overview

Topic Summary

Storage and CPU Usage

As part of your subscription, cloud storage and CPU usage is tracked. Administrators should monitor these values as they can directly impact future subscription costs.

Managing User Security

Common tasks performed in OCI IAM for user maintenance; for example, user groups and configurations for RAP applications.

Managing Batches

Where to monitor and maintain batch activity by application, how to resolve common batch issues.

Managing Label Customization

How to change the display labels in the application interfaces to use custom or business-specific values.

Managing File Transfers

How to use File Transfer Services (FTS) to upload files to the Oracle Cloud.

Managing Data Visualization

How to manage your Data Visualization (DV) datasets and reports, common tasks to perform regarding security, and data maintenance.

Managing RPAS Applications

Administrative activities performed for RAP modules such as Merchandise Financial Planning, which have specific task flows and interfaces for their administrative duties.

Managing APEX and Extensions

Administering other tools and platform components such as APEX, which are used to extend the platform and provide additional capabilities not listed above.

Managing Inventory Planning Optimization-Inventory Planning Cloud Services

Supplemental details for a managing Inventory Planning Optimization-Inventory Planning Cloud Services.