Ad Hoc Processes

There are several standalone ad hoc processes available for executing the RDE programs outside of a normal batch cycle. These processes can be used to integrate dimension or fact data to RAP during initial implementation, or simply to run the extracts and validate the outputs without actually loading them into the platform. The table below summarizes these processes and their usage.

Table 4-3 RDE Ad Hoc Processes

Process Name Usage


Execute the dimension data extracts from RMFCS and write the result to RAP input staging tables directly. Data can then be moved into RAP if desired by using the RI_DIM_INITIAL_ADHOC process.


Execute the dimension data extracts from CE and write the result to RAP input staging tables directly. Data can then be moved into RAP if desired by using the RI_DIM_INITIAL_ADHOC process.


Execute the fact data extracts from RMFCS and write the result to RAP input staging tables directly. This is mainly intended to allow a complete run of RDE fact jobs outside the normal batch process, loading the data into RI would require the use of numerous fact jobs and processes depending on the data needed. This process may run as full or incremental loads depending on the POM system options used for ODI runs.


Run all of the positional fact seed jobs needed to create full snapshots of positional data in RAP. After running these jobs, you may use the SEED_*_ADHOC processes to load each dataset (you must disable the COPY/STG steps of the seed processes before running them, because those steps will attempt to load from flat files instead of RMFCS).


Run the inventory position fact seed job needed to create full snapshots of inventory data in RI. After running these jobs, you may use the SEED_W_RTL_INV_IT_LC_DY_F_PROCESS_ADHOC process to load it (you must disable the COPY/STG steps of the seed processes before running them, because those steps will attempt to load from flat files instead of RMFCS).


Extract RTV transaction history from RMFCS to RAP staging tables. Load the data into RAP using the HIST_CSV_INVRTV_LOAD_ADHOC process (you must disable the COPY/STG steps of the processes before running them, because those steps will attempt to load from flat files instead of RMFCS).


Extract adjustment transaction history from RMFCS to RAP staging tables. Load the data into RAP using the HIST_CSV_ADJUSTMENTS_LOAD_ADHOC process (you must disable the COPY/STG steps of the processes before running them, because those steps will attempt to load from flat files instead of RMFCS).


Extract transfer transaction history from RMFCS to RAP staging tables. Load the data into RAP using the HIST_CSV_TRANSFER_LOAD_ADHOC process (you must disable the COPY/STG steps of the processes before running them, because those steps will attempt to load from flat files instead of RMFCS).


Extract deal income transaction history from RMFCS to RAP staging tables. Load the data into RAP using the HIST_CSV_DEAL_INCOME_LOAD_ADHOC process (you must disable the COPY/STG steps of the processes before running them, because those steps will attempt to load from flat files instead of RMFCS).


Extract inventory reclass transaction history from RMFCS to RAP staging tables. Load the data into RAP using the HIST_CSV_INVRECLASS_LOAD_ADHOC process (you must disable the COPY/STG steps of the processes before running them, because those steps will attempt to load from flat files instead of RMFCS).


Extract intercompany margin transaction history from RMFCS to RAP staging tables. Load the data into RAP using the HIST_CSV_ICMARGIN_LOAD_ADHOC process (you must disable the COPY/STG steps of the processes before running them, because those steps will attempt to load from flat files instead of RMFCS).


Extract daily sales data from the Sales Audit staging tables to the RAP staging tables. This process is mainly intended to test the sales extracts outside the normal batch and to validate the data transformations, or use the RAP sales history load ad hoc processes to bring the sales into the platform.


Extracts a full snapshot of data from RMFCS for the transfer details fact (W_RTL_TSF_IT_LC_DY_FS). Intended for data validation and history conversion. Meant to be loaded into the RAP data warehouse using the nightly batch jobs.


Extracts a full snapshot of data from RMFCS for the shipment details dimension (W_RTL_SHIP_DETAILS_DS). Intended for data validation and history conversion. Meant to be loaded into RAP data warehouse using the nightly batch jobs.


Extracts a full snapshot of data from RMFCS for the shipment details fact (W_RTL_SHIP_IT_LC_DY_FS). Intended for data validation and history conversion. Meant to be loaded into RAP data warehouse using the nightly batch jobs.


Extracts a full snapshot of data from RMFCS for the allocation dimension (W_RTL_ALC_DETAILS_DS). Intended for data validation and history conversion. Meant to be loaded into RAP data warehouse using the nightly batch jobs.


Extracts a full snapshot of data from RMFCS for the PO orders on allocation fact (W_RTL_PO_ONALC_IT_LC_DY_FS). Intended for data validation and history conversion. Meant to be loaded into RAP data warehouse using the nightly batch jobs.


Extracts a full snapshot of data from RMFCS for the Replenishment Days dimension (W_RTL_REPL_DAY_DS). Intended for data validation and history conversion. Meant to be loaded into RAP data warehouse using the nightly batch jobs.


Extracts a full snapshot of data from RMFCS for the Replenishment Supplier Dims dimension (W_RTL_REPL_SUP_SIM_DS). Intended for data validation and history conversion. Meant to be loaded into RAP data warehouse using the nightly batch jobs.