Generating Forecasts for AP

The same forecasting interface described in the previous section for MFP is also used to generate the Assortment Planning forecasts. When configuring forecasts for the AP base implementation, the following list of forecast runs may be required, and you will want to configure and test each run type. Additional runs can be added to satisfy your AP implementation requirements.


Although AP has an in-season plan, it still leverages Auto ES as the base forecasting method.

Bayesian (which includes plan data in the forecast) is set up as the estimation method for the run. This is also why Store Sales is set as the data source for all runs, because all runs have the ability to include plan data based on the estimation methods used (in addition to store sales).

AP Plan AP Levels Method Data Source Measure

Item Plan Pre-Season


Auto ES

Store Sales

Regular and Promotion Gross Sales Units

Item Plan In-Season


Auto ES (with Bayesian estimation method)

Store Sales

Regular and Promotion Gross Sales Units

Subclass Plan Pre-Season


Auto ES

Store Sales

Regular and Promotion Gross Sales Units