In-Season Forecast Setup

All the prior steps describe the setup needed to get the first round of plans and forecasts generated, which for MFP is the pre-season workflow. If you also plan to use forecasts for in-season planning in MFP then you must configure the flow of approved plans from MFP back through the data warehouse for AIF to consume. This data flow starts from the MFP export tables (such as MFP_PLAN1_EXP) and passes through the data warehouse plan tables (such as W_RTL_PLAN1_PROD1_LC1_T1_F).

To configure these interfaces, use the parameters on C_ODI_PARAM_VW in the Manage System Configurations screen. Our plan data at the levels of SUBCAT / AREA / WEEK will need this set of parameters:

Param Name Param Value

The product level of FLEX1 correlates with the column in the W_PRODUCT_ALT_DTS table that you used to load the alternate hierarchy level in the very beginning of the process, and matches the field mapped during AIF alternate hierarchy setup.

To integrate the data from MFP to the data warehouse, the jobs in the AIF DATA schedule in POM that are used are:


These jobs are included in the AIF DATA nightly schedule and can also be found in the ad hoc process LOAD_PLANNING1_DATA_ADHOC. This process populates the table W_RTL_PLAN1_PROD1_LC1_T1_F, which can then be loaded to the AIF forecasting module using the AIF APPS schedule job RSE_FCST_SALES_PLAN_LOAD_JOB. This job populates the table RSE_FCST_SALES_PLAN_DTL which is used in generating plan-influenced forecasts.