Platform Configurations

This section provides a list of initial setup and configuration steps to be taken as soon as you are ready to start a new implementation of the Retail Analytics and Planning and have the cloud environments provisioned and generally available.

Several configuration tables in the RAP database should be reviewed before processing any data. A list of these tables is below, along with an explanation of their primary uses. The way to apply changes to these tables is through the Control & Tactical Center, as described in the section on Control & Tactical Center. The sections following this one provide the detailed configuration settings for each table listed below.

Table 2-2 Platform Configuration Table Overview

Table Usage



Table used to configure all Oracle Data Integrator (ODI) batch programs as well as many Retail Insights and AI Foundation load properties. C_ODI_PARAM_VW is the name of the table shown in Control Center.


Table used to define all languages that need to be supported in the database for translatable data (primarily for Retail Insights and AI Foundation Cloud Services).


Table used for database table partitioning setup. Defines which functional areas within the data warehouse will be populated (and thus require partitioning).


Table used to configure partition strategies for certain tables in the data warehouse, including the Plan fact used for loading plans and budgets to RI/AI Foundation.


Table used to configure the ad hoc manual stats collection program COLLECT_STATS_JOB.


Table used to configure historical data loads, configure certain ad hoc batch processes, and monitor the results of those jobs after each run.


Table used to track multiple zip files that are uploaded with sequence numbers in order to process them automatically through ad hoc flows.


Table used to configure and monitor both historical and ongoing integration to Planning applications through the Retail Insights data warehouse.


Audit table used to track updates to the C_ODI_PARAM table by users from APEX or Control Center.