Planning Platform

Planning solutions using PDS (Planning Data Schema), such as Merchandise Financial Planning, have two main types of files:

 Hierarchy/Dimension Files – Foundation Data for the Hierarchy/Dimensions.

 Measure/Fact Files – Factual Data specific to loadable metric/measures.

When loading directly to Planning applications, both types of files should only be in CSV format and they should contain headers. Headers contain the details of the dimension names for Hierarchy/Dimension Files and the fact names for Measure/Fact Files.

Hierarchy/Dimension Files uses the naming convention <Hierarchy Name>.hdr.csv.dat and Measure Files can be any meaningful fact-grouping name, but with allowed extensions such as .ovr, .rpl, or .inc.

  •  OVR extension is used for override files

  •  RPL extension is used to delete and replace position-based data sets

  •  INC extension is for incremental files that can increment positional data.

If using the common foundation CSV files, most of the data can be interfaced using those shared integrations. However, certain files (such as the VAT Hierarchy) must be directly loaded to Planning: it does not come from RI at this time. Refer to the application-specific Planning Implementation Guides for more details about the list of files that are not included in foundation integrations.