7 Scorecard Management

Scorecards provide a means for a retailer to assess their suppliers against a set of predefined criteria on an on-going or ad hoc basis. Scorecards are made up of a series of questions which may be answered by the suppler as a self-assessment or completed by the retailer.

Templates are available for creating scorecards. For information on the templates, see the Oracle Retail Brand Compliance Management Cloud Service Administration Guide. Scorecards can be created from within the Site record or from the list of Sites.

To work with scorecards, select the Scorecards option from the Supplier drop-down list. The Retailer Scorecards tab opens. The following information is displayed for each scorecard:

  • Supplier Name

  • Supplier Code

  • Site Name

  • Site Code

  • Status

  • Year

  • Period

  • Due Date

  • Scorecard Type

  • Person Responsible

  • Completed

  • Scorecard Score

To view a scorecard, double-click a row in the list. A tab opens with the scorecard details.

Figure 7-1 Scorecard Details Page

This figure shows the Scorecard Details page.

Table 7-1 describes the fields on this page:

Table 7-1 Scorecard Fields

Field Description

Site Details

Supplier Name

Name of the supplier.

Supplier Code

Code assigned to the supplier.

Site Name

Name of the site.

Site Code

Code assigned to the site.

Scorecard Details

Scorecard Type

Name of the template used to create the scorecard.


Status of the scorecard:

  • Future

  • In progress

  • Awaiting approval

  • Awaiting amendment

  • Complete

Due Date

Date the scorecard is due to be completed.


Year that corresponds to the due date based on the system calendar.


Period that corresponds to the due date based on the system calendar.


Week that corresponds to the due date based on the system calendar.

Quarter Start Date

Quarter start date that corresponds to the due date based on the system calendar.

Quarter End Date

Quarter end date that corresponds to the due date based on the system calendar.

Extra Scorecard

Set if this scorecard was scheduled based on a frequency override.


Frequency for scheduling this scorecard.

Person Responsible

Name of the technologist responsible for the scorecard.

Business Category

Business categories applicable to this scorecard.

Auto generation of this scorecard

If the Status field is Future, select whether to automatically reschedule this scorecard when it is completed or becomes due.

Submitted by

Name of the user who submitted or completed the scorecard.

Submitted on

Date the scorecard was submitted or completed.

The following subtabs are available:

  • Details

  • Questions

  • Scoring & Completion

  • Attachments

  • Change History

Create a New Scorecard

To create a new scorecard:

  1. Select the New Scorecard action. The Create Scorecard dialog box appears.

  2. From the drop-down lists, select a template, supplier, and site. Click Ok. The details of the new scorecard, based on the template, appear.

  3. Update the fields for the scorecard for the audit/visit and save the scorecard.

Questions Subtab

To see the scorecard questions, select the Questions subtab. The questions are presented as configured in the scorecard's template for the supplier to provide their answers.

Figure 7-2 Scorecard Questions Page

This figure shows the Scorecard Questions page.

Scoring & Completion Subtab

To see the scores and completion status for the scorecard, select the Scoring & Completion subtab. The Scorecard Value and Calculated Score are automatically calculated based on the answers given and the scoring rules configured in the scorecard's template.

Figure 7-3 Scoring & Completion Page

This figure shows the Scoring & Completion page.

Deleting a Scorecard

Scorecards at Future, In Progress, Awaiting Approval, and Awaiting Amendment status may be deleted by the retailer/portal owner user. Scorecards at Future and In Progress status may also be deleted by the supplier user, but only where the scorecard was originally created by the supplier.