1 Feature Summary

This chapter describes the feature enhancements in this release.

Noteworthy Enhancements

This guide outlines the information you need to know about new or improved functionality in the Oracle Retail Brand Compliance Management Cloud Service update and describes any tasks you might need to perform for the update. Each section includes a brief description of the feature, the steps you need to take to enable or begin using the feature, any tips or considerations that you should keep in mind, and the resources available to help you.


Where new fields, User Interface (UI) changes, or glossary entries are introduced as part of a change, the portal owner may need to apply their own translations of the core system text.

Column Definitions

  • Feature: Provides a description of the feature being delivered.

  • Module Impacted: Identifies the module impacted associated with the feature, if any.

  • Scale: Identifies the size of the feature. Options are:

    • Small: These UI or process-based features are typically comprised of minor field, validation, or program changes. Therefore, the potential impact to users is minimal.

    • Large: These UI or process-based features have more complex designs. Therefore, the potential impact to users is higher.

  • Delivered: Is the new feature available for use immediately after upgrade or must the feature be enabled or configured? If no, the feature is non-disruptive to end users and action is required (detailed steps below) to make the feature ready to use.

  • Customer Action Required: You must take action before these features can be used. These features are delivered disabled and you choose if and when to enable them.

Table 1-1 Noteworthy Enhancements

Feature Module Impacted Scale Delivered Customer Action Required?

Terminology Updates




Optional (System text overrides)

Workspace Assignments





Supplier Site Creation





Identity Provider Update





Terminology Updates

The following core areas have been updated to change the terminology used for Scorecards, Projects, and Product Technologists.


As part of the terminology updates, the Reporting Server URL system parameter is removed.

Scorecards Become Assessments

To reflect the more general purpose use of Scorecards, they are renamed Assessments. The change applies to all core system text and language translations. Any existing system text overrides will remain unaffected.

The change also applies to the following:

  • Descriptions of the following authority profiles (however their codes remain unchanged):

    Scorecard Administrator > Assessment Administrator

    Scorecard Editor > Assessment Editor

    Scorecard Reader > Assessment Reader

    Supplier Scorecard Editor > Supplier Assessment Editor

  • Email templates

  • The Scorecard page in the Permissions spreadsheet

Project Becomes Process

In order to convey the wider use of Project functionality, it is renamed Process. The change applies to all core system text and language translations. Any existing system text overrides will remain unaffected.

The change also applies to the following:

  • Descriptions of the following roles and authority profiles (however their codes remain unchanged):

    Project Administrator > Process Administrator

    Project Manager > Process Manager

  • Email templates

  • The MyProject page in the Permissions spreadsheet

The Product project type is also renamed to the more generic term End Process.

Project Technologist Becomes Technologist

Product Technologist is renamed Technologist. The change applies to the description of the Product Technologist role and all system text references.

Workspace Assignments

Various enhancements have been made to Assignments in the new Workspace UI:

  • Supplier Code added to the Assignments list view.

  • Surveillance assignment notifications show the associated Technologist.

  • Sorting within the Assignments list view is case insensitive.

  • Site name included in Process related assignments.

  • Address columns in list views are comma separated when the full address is concatenated.

  • Icon becomes a fixed column in list views.

Supplier Site Creation

To facilitate the capture of more of the supply chain within the portal, this enhancement allows suppliers to create Site accounts for their suppliers of raw materials.

Users with Supplier Administrator access rights may now be granted access to the option to create new Site accounts by a Permissions change. See Post Release Tasks.

A hard-coded rule that the Site Type field cannot be edited by supplier users is overridden within the Site Creation wizard, to allow the supplier to set the Site Type when creating a new supply chain site.

Identity Provider Update

Identity Provider Update is the relocation of the existing IDCS admin console User Interface to the OCI Console. Although the changes in functionality for Brand Compliance are behind the scenes, there is a requirement to update all references to IDCS within the application and the documentation to provide correct and consistent references.

Changes have been made so the text Identity Provider is displayed where previously it was IDCS, Identity Cloud Service, or Identity Management.

These text changes are visible in the following areas where the text is used:

  • Landing Page

  • Home Page

  • System Parameters

  • User Record

  • Email Template - Body field

  • Batch Job - Job Type, Description, and Message fields

Some of the changes required System Text updates, to manage the text displayed in the application. See Post Release Tasks for further details.


The User Interface for the Identity Management solution changes when upgraded from IDCS to that within the OCI Console. This upgrade is handled outside of Brand Compliance; contact your CSM contact for more information as to when the IDCS console will be switched over to the OCI Console.

Post Release Tasks & Impact on Existing Installation

The following post release tasks and impact on an existing installation must be taken into account as part of this release.

Technology Changes

The Terminology Updates include the renaming of the core system text references for Scorecards, Project, and Project Technologist. Any existing overrides remain unaffected, however consider whether further System Text overrides are required to be added by the retailer administrator.

Identity Provider Update

System Text records using the following text, in the Description field, have been replaced with Identity Provider:

  • IDCS

  • Identity Cloud Service

  • Open Identity Management

The system text records are updated automatically during the release process, however any translation overrides must be updated manually, by the retailer administrator.

Email Templates IDCS1 and IDCS2 records require manual updates to replace text Identity Management with Identity Provider in the Body field. In addition, any language translations required will also require a manual update.


The Supplier Site Creation feature allows supplier users with Supplier Administrator access rights to create new Site accounts. To enable this feature, the following change is required to the Permissions spreadsheet, to grant full access to the Site record.

Change the Access Level (column M) to F for the following row in the Site page.

The Workspace UI feature requires the following the following to be added to the Permissions spreadsheet:

Record (A) Authority Profile (B) Menu Option (C) Sub Menu Option (D) Action (E) Data Record (F) User Mode (L) Access Level (M)


Supplier Administrator





The instructions for downloading and uploading the amended Permissions spreadsheet are as follows:

  1. Log in as an Oracle Authorized Administrator user and go to Company > Admin > Roles & Permissions.

  2. Open the Permissions page.

  3. Download the active spreadsheet by selecting the row with true in the Active Permissions column, click Download Selected, and save locally.

  4. Edit the downloaded spreadsheet, make the changes described above, then save the spreadsheet.

  5. Upload the edited spreadsheet by clicking Upload Permissions, select the spreadsheet, and click Ok.

  6. Apply the changes by selecting the uploaded spreadsheet row, click Process Selected, and then click Ok to confirm.

System Text

The fix to include the Tamper Evident field in the Advanced Packaging Component query (33246837) introduces a new System Text record:

reportQueryColumn.ADV_PACKAGING_COMPONENT_TAMPER_EVIDENT=Packaging Component Tamper Evident

The fix to include the Spec Type field in the Product query (33378451) introduces a new System Text record:

reportQueryColumn.PRODUCT_RECORD_SPECIFICATION_TYPE=Product Record - Spec Type

New Report System Text records have also been introduced for the columns added to the Contact Role query (item 33745884, 33824532):

reportQueryColumn.SUPPLIER_SITE_SELECTION=Site Selection
reportQueryColumn.SUPPLIER_CONTACT_SELECTED_SITES=Sites Selected

The fix for the Benchmark columns (item 33756308) introduces two new System Text records for Product:

view.productRecord.page.productRecordDetails.createdOn=Benchmark Date
view.productRecord.page.productRecordDetails.createdBy.person.name=Benchmark User

The system text records are added automatically during the release process, however any translation overrides must be added manually, by the retailer administrator.

Email Templates

For the change to the new user email template, to include the Retail Home link, any language translation overrides required for the email text must be applied manually, by the retailer administrator.

The body text of the IDCS2 email template is now as follows:

Access via Retail Home is available at: ${retailHomeURL}. Direct portal access is available at: ${portalURL}.

#if ( $userIsRetailer )
This email has been sent to confirm you have been created as a new user on the $retailerName portal. Your user name is: ${userName}. Your registration was created by $createdByName (${createdByEmail}). Access via Retail Home is available at: ${retailHomeURL}. Direct portal access is available at: ${portalURL}.
This email has been sent to confirm you have been created as a new user on the $portalName portal. Your user name is: $userName. Your registration was created by $createdByName ($createdByEmail). The website address is $portalURL.

You will receive a separate email containing a link to your user profile. To complete your registration:

Step 1: On receipt of your Identity Management email, use the link in the email to set your password.
Step 2: Access the $portalName portal using your user name and password, and accept the Terms and Conditions.

This is an email automatically generated by the $portalName portal, please contact $supportEmail if you require assistance or believe this message has been sent to you in error.

The new template variables are:

  • userIsRetailer - Boolean, TRUE for retailer users, FALSE otherwise.

  • retailHomeURL - URL of the Retail Home instance for the current environment. If the environment variable RETAIL_HOME_URI is set, that value is used, otherwise the host context URL is used to determine the location.

Database Upgrade Scripts

The following Database Upgrade Scripts will be executed:

  • The fix for the Error when saving Custom Fields glossary record (items 31080918, 31887208, 32101363, 32201145, 32786654, 32976117) includes a Database Update Script that will be executed as part of the upgrade process.

    This will add a new internal sequence column to the Custom Fields Glossary table and initially populate this new sequence column to resolve this issue.

  • The fix for the Checklist Answers not appearing in the correct order (item 33640020) includes a Database Update Script that will be executed as part of the upgrade process.

    This will add a new internal sequence column to the Checklist Audit Questionnaire Question Available Answers table and initially populate this new sequence column to resolve this issue.

Enabling User Roles

If they do not already exist, configure the Power User, Account Administrator, Assistant Technologist, and Site Inspector user roles, and assign to the appropriate users.

Enabling Artwork with SSO

Artwork is not a core Brand Compliance module, but a third-party add-on application. This process enables the integration with the third-party Artwork application, where it is used.

For existing installations that use the Artwork module, in order to configure single sign on (SSO) between Brand Compliance and the Artwork solution (using IDCS or OCI IAM authentication), the following steps must be taken by the Customer or their Partner:

  1. Ensure the MYARTWORK external system has been created in Brand Compliance PROD and STAGE.

  2. Raise an SR service requesting for creation of the Artwork Application for PROD and STAGE. The call back URLs and IDCS or OCI IAM URLs must be provided in the SR.

  3. Once created, you will be able to gather the Client ID and Client Secret from IDCS or OCI IAM.

Refer to the Artwork chapter in the Oracle Retail Brand Compliance Management Cloud Service Administration Guide for the full process for enabling Artwork with SSO.