2 API Overview and Architecture

The APIs exposed by Brand Compliance are implemented in one of two formats, SOAP web services or RESTful web services. In both cases, requests and responses are normally in an XML format.

The APIs are already built and available for clients to build services for their external applications to utilize. The external system makes a call to Brand Compliance using HTTPS. If the external system is validated (that is, it is enabled in the Admin area of Brand Compliance and the login user ID and password match), the call is accepted.

Calls will typically allow for the retrieval, creation, update, and in some cases deletion, of data through the API. Each call is logged in the Web Service Log in Brand Compliance, with the request and response messages being recorded as appropriate.

A call may contain a number of parameters or filters to determine the records to be returned or updated, or to identify where to create a new record, such as to filter Product Specification of a certain type, status and so on.


The Brand Compliance APIs are web services in both SOAP and RESTful architectural styles. In general, the SOAP services are developed for specific requirements or are historical services. Unless there is a definite requirement for a SOAP implementation of a service, any new services or new versions of services are implemented using the RESTful architectural style.

Request and Response XML

In general, APIs exposed by Brand Compliance as web services use XML messages for both requests and responses. Exceptions to this are RESTful services where the use of an XML request is replaced by the use of URI parameters in a GET call. The APIs do not support other message formats, such as JSON.

The XML data schemas are written to allow for both forwards and backwards compatibility. All elements within the XML schemas are marked as optional. The element names are ordered so that new fields are added after existing elements and, within each sequence of elements, the last element is always an any element so that fields added in future versions are ignored by clients that are using an old version of the schema. For example:

<xs:complexType name="fpsMicroTestLocaleDataFullDTO">
        <xs:element form="qualified" minOccurs="0" name="description" type="xs:string"/>
        <xs:element form="qualified" minOccurs="0" name="locale" type="xs:string"/>
        <xs:element form="qualified" minOccurs="0" name="id" type="xs:long"/>
        <xs:element form="qualified" minOccurs="0" name="createdOn" type="xs:string"/>
        <xs:element form="qualified" minOccurs="0" name="updatedOn" type="xs:string"/>
        <xs:any maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>

The element names in the XML Schemas are defined by the core system and do not change in specific implementations. If an implementation has additional fields that have been added to the system (the implementation is non-core), those fields may be exposed after the core fields (before the xs:any element) and will incur a maintenance overhead in later versions to cope with any additional core fields added after the custom fields.

Data types in the XML Schemas are the standard datatypes for XSDs, WSDLs, and WADLs. Values should be entered as described on the following web site:


The following table lists the common data types used in the Brand Compliance schemas:

Data Types

Type Example


A normal string


<![CDATA[A String with <br/> html data]]>








true or false


1 or 0






Due to the format of the XML schemas as described above, most revisions of the web services should be forwards and backwards compatible to allow clients of those web services to be upgraded and developed without binding the lifecycle of the client services to the upgrade cycle of Brand Compliance.

Where the necessary changes to a service cannot be made compatible with previous versions, a new endpoint will be created to expose the changed service. If possible, the previous version of the service will remain available at the original endpoint to enable existing and legacy clients to continue to work, but will be noted as deprecated in documentation to encourage developers of clients to the services to avoid using it.


All calls to APIs exposed as web services are logged within the application and can be viewed by logging into Brand Compliance as a Power User, navigating to Company > Admin> Notifications, and choosing the Web Service Log option. For each call, the name of the web service, date and time of the call, status (in progress/completed/failed), duration of the call (not available for In Progress calls), and a list of error messages if the call failed are shown.

The request and response XMLs are attached to each web service log entry. If a request does not contain XML, no attachment is created.

Accessing the APIs

This section describes how to access the APIs.


If enabled within the portal, an API is accessible while the portal is online. The support for a portal's availability is subject to the client's service level agreement.

Updates to the APIs are applied as per changes and fixes to the application. Each release involves a scheduled period of downtime. Details of the change and impact are covered in the supporting Release Notes.


After a Brand Compliance upgrade release, it may be necessary to change the URLs that the external system uses to call the APIs.

Deployment Model

The APIs, made available by Brand Compliance, are all web services implemented using either a SOAP or RESTful architecture.

The web services are exposed over HTTPS and require OAuth 2.0 authentication in order to access the service requested.


OAuth 2.0 is the industry standard protocol for authorization. Brand Compliance REST Services now support OAuth 2.0. To invoke these services, you need to obtain an access token and use it as a bearer token.


Basic Authentication access is still available for these services, but this has now been deprecated. See the deprecation notice on My Oracle Support at Doc ID 2692117.1.

Steps to Enable

To obtain a token and call the services, use the following steps:

  1. Set up an External System record within Brand Compliance and allocate only the required Service Access and/or End Point Access that this External System requires.

    To see the list of existing External System records, log in to Brand Compliance as a Power User, navigate to Company > Admin > Roles and Permissions, and select the External Systems option:

    1. To create a new External System: Select the Actions > New action to open up a tab for creating an External System.

    2. Enter a Login ID (User Name), Email Address, Comment (optional), and select the appropriate Service Access and/or End Point Access that is required, then select the Actions > Save & Exit option.

    3. An Oracle Identity Cloud Service (IDCS) or Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Identity and Access Management (OCI IAM) profile will be automatically created and a notification email sent to the specified email address, containing instructions for setting the password.

      The passwords used for External Systems are validated against the same criteria as the passwords for users of Brand Compliance. It is likely that a minimum length, mixed case, and digits will be required for the password, depending on the setup of the IDCS or OCI IAM tenant.

  2. These steps should be performed one time for the Brand Compliance instance that is being consider for OAuth access, (that is, Stage and Prod), when using IDCS:

    1. Access the Oracle Identity Cloud Service (IDCS) associated with the cloud service as a user with Administration rights to IDCS.

    2. Verify that the Oracle Cloud Service record is enabled for OAuth 2.0 access by:

      1. Choose Oracle Cloud Services from the Navigator.

      2. At least one Oracle Cloud Service record should be listed. Verify that a record exists for Brand Compliance that uses this format:

        RGBU_BCCS_STG1_BC for Stage Environments

        RGBU_BCCS_PRD1_BC for Production Environments

        Note: For deployments that share the same IDCS tenant for Stage and Production, both of the above will be available.

      3. Open the appropriate Oracle Cloud Service record, choose the Configuration tab, and expand the Resources section. Verify that the Primary Audience is set to rgbu:bccs: and that a Scope is listed for STG1 (or PRD1).

        This image shows OAuth,
      4. Choose the Web Tier Policy tab and verify that Disable Audience Validation is checked.

        This image shows OAuth.
  3. These steps should be performed one time for each External System record created, requiring access to Brand Compliance through OAuth 2.0:

    1. Access the Oracle Identity Cloud Service (IDCS) associated with the cloud service as a user with Administration rights to IDCS.

    2. Verify that an Application record does not already exist that corresponds to the External System record being created:

      1. Choose Applications from the Navigator.

      2. Verify that an Application record does not already exist.

    3. Create a new Application record by clicking the + Add button.

      This image shows OAuth.
    4. Select the Confidential Application option.

      This image shows OAuth.
    5. Stage 1: Set the Application Name to be the same as the External System (Login ID) created in Step 1. Enter an optional description to describe what the Application record is intended for. All other fields can be left blank. Click the Next button.

      This image shows OAuth.
    6. Stage 2: Set the option for Configure this application as a client now, and the Authorization section of the page will display.

      Set the Allowed Grant Types to Client Credentials.

      Set the Allowed Operations to On behalf Of.

      This image shows OAuth.

      Scroll down on the same page to the Token Issuance Policy section. Click the + Add Scope button.

      This image shows OAuth.

      Locate the Oracle Cloud Service that corresponds to the Brand Compliance instance that is being configured (RGBU_BCCS_STG1_BC or RGBU_BCCS_PRD1_BC).

      This image shows OAuth.

      Click the > button on the same row of the Oracle Cloud Service to Select scopes for this resource. The Scope will appear within the list. Select the scope and click the Add button.

      This image shows OAuth.

      The scope will then have been added to the list of Resources within the Token Issuance Policy section. Click the Next button on the top of this page.

    7. Stage 3: Leave the checkbox set to Skip for later and click the Next button.

      This image shows OAuth.
    8. Stage 4: Leave the checkbox set to Skip for later and click the Next button.

      This image shows OAuth.
    9. Stage 5: Click the Finish button.

      This image shows OAuth.
    10. Take note of the Client ID and Client Secret that are displayed on the dialog box and then click the Close button.

      Note: These details can be obtained by accessing the Application record and choosing the Configuration tab.

      This image shows OAuth.
    11. Activate the Application record by selecting the Activate button and then click OK.

      This image shows OAuth.This image shows OAuth.

      The Application record is now created and available for use.

  4. Once the setup steps are completed, accessing an API requires that a Bearer token is requested from IDCS, and then this token is used on subsequent calls to Brand Compliance rather than sending a Username/Password for each request per Basic Authentication. To obtain the Bearer token, call IDCS with the appropriate details.

    This example uses CURL to obtain the Bearer token:

    1. To obtain a Bearer token, an initial call to IDCS is required. Several values will need to be supplied all of which have been mentioned above in the setup of the Application record.

      {SCOPE} = rgbu:bccs:STG1 / rgbu:bccs:PRD1 Note: The Scope should be URL encoded to be this format… rgbu%3Abccs%3ASTG1 / rgbu%3Abccs%3APRD1

      {IDCS_CLIENTID} = The IDCS client id that was provided during the Application setup in IDCS.

      {IDCS_SECRET} = The IDCS secret that was provided during the Application setup in IDCS.

      {IDCS_URL} = The IDCS URL for the tenant being accessed, including the “https://”.

      curl -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8" -d "grant_type=client_credentials&scope={SCOPE}" --user {IDCS_CLIENTID}:{IDCS_SECRET} {IDCS_URL}/oauth2/v1/token

      Note: When substituting the values, ensure that the {} are also replaced.

    2. Once the CURL command has been constructed, this can be executed through a Command Prompt interface. This will then return a Bearer token for use when calling the actual API.

      Example Bearer token, please note the taken has been truncated for the purposes of this document.

  5. Once the Bearer token is available, this can then be used to call the appropriate API. This example uses CURL to call the User API.

    To call the appropriate API, several values will need to be supplied.

    {APPLICATION_URL} = The Brand Compliance url for the application instance.

    {API_NAME} = The Service being executed, and any parameters if required.

    curl --url "{APPLICATION_URL}/orbcprod/services/rest/{API_NAME}" --header "Authorization: Bearer eyJ4NXQjUzI1NiI…"


From 18.2, IDCS or OCI IAM is used to authenticate access to the services. Calling a service using a web browser does not generate the necessary header for IDCS or OCI IAM authentication, thus resulting in a 401 or 407 authorization error. Instead, a web service tool should be used.

A web service tool such as PostMan, SoapUI, or a lower-level tool such as curl or wget must be used instead.


Authorization is controlled by providing the Service and Endpoint access that is specified on the External System record. If no Service or Endpoint access is specified, then no access will be granted to any API.

These two Service and Endpoint access fields allow the External System to be restricted to specific APIs and to specific access methods on the APIs (such as READ, WRITE, and UPDATE).

When creating an External System, attention should be given to what the purpose is for the usage of the External System and only provide the necessary access to information that is required.

Listing Available APIs

In all installations of Brand Compliance, a full list of the deployed web services can be found at /services.

For example, for a system where the application is deployed to URL https://www.example.com/brandCompliance, you can retrieve a list of all services from https://www.example.com/brandCompliance/services.


In order to access the /services page, the user must first be logged in/authenticated with the Brand Compliance portal.

To download the REST API WADL files:

  1. Run the Windows Command Prompt app.

  2. Retrieve a Bearer token. See the Authorization section.

  3. Enter the command

    curl [url]/services/rest/[api]?_wadl=true --header "Authorization: Bearer [token]" > [api].wadl

    Where [url] is the portal address; [api] is the name of the REST API; [token] is the Bearer token retrieved. For example:

    curl https://<hostname>/services/rest/user?_wadl=true --header "Authorization: Bearer eyJ4NXQjUzI1NiI…" > user.wadl

    The file will be downloaded to your default directory. To download to a specific directory, provide the full path for the .wadl file. For example:

    ... > c:\Users\JSmith\Downloads\APIs\\user.wadl

    The file is saved to the specified location.

  4. Import the WADL file into SoapUI.


    If using SoapUI and the HTTP 401 error is received, click the Auth tab on the request in SoapUI and add OAuth 2.0 authorization. Enter the appropriate details to request a Bearer token.

To download the WSDL files for SOAP APIs:

  1. Run the Windows Command Prompt app.

  2. Enter the command

    curl [url]/services/[api]?_wsdl --header "Authorization: Bearer [token]" > [api].wsdl

    Where [url] is the portal address; [api] is the name of the SOAP API; [token] is the Bearer token retrieved. For example:

    curl https://<hostname>/services/activityManagement?wsdl --header "Authorization: Bearer eyJ4NXQjUzI1NiI…" > activityManagement.wsdl

    The file will be downloaded to your default directory. To download to a specific directory, provide the full path for the .wsdl file. For example:

    ... > c:\Users\JSmith\Downloads\APIs\18.2\activityManagement.wsdl

    The file is saved to the specified location.


If using SoapUI and the HTTP 401 error is received, click the Auth tab on the request in SoapUI and add OAuth 2.0 authorization. Enter the appropriate details to request a Bearer token.


A REST API Path system parameter allows for an alternative path to the REST APIs to be specified. This is of use where for example an alternative data center is being used, or where HTTP is being used instead of HTTPs.

By default, the path of the Base URL system parameter is used for the application and the APIs. The Rest API Path system parameter is only used if there is a need to override the base URL.

Change History

Change History Log

Each record contains a Change History log, which is maintained by the system as a result of the user creating or updating the record in the UI. The log is also maintained by the system if the record is created or updated using the API.

The log comprises:

  • Changed On - the date and time the record was last updated.

  • Changed By - the name and email address of the user who last updated the record (or ‘System’ if updated by the API).

  • No. Changed Fields - the number of fields that were changed by the update.

Opening an entry shows the details of the individual field changes:

  • Field label

  • From (before) value

  • To (after) value

The log is not included in the API’s XML payload so it cannot be retrieved or updated by the API.

Status Change History Log

Records that have a workflow status also have a Status Change History log - a table that has a row added by the system each time an update to the record results in a status change.

The table comprises the columns:

  • Status Before - the record’s status before the update.

  • Status After - the record’s status after the update.

  • Changed On - the date and time of the update.

  • Changed By - the name of the user who made the update (or ‘System’ if updated by the API).

  • Comments - any comments entered as part of the status change action.

The log is included in the API’s XML payload for retrieval, within the statusHistory element:


For records with a Status Change History log:

  • The APIs currently allow for rows to be added, removed, and updated in the table.

  • The update process is locked down to only allow the Comments column to be updated.

  • The Changed By column can be populated with a valid user’s name with the statusChangedBy element.

  • If no data is supplied for statusChangedBy, the Changed By field in the UI will default to ‘System’. In this case, the underlying value is null, so when retrieving that data using the API, the statusChangedBy element will be omitted (this is per the standard rule for omitting elements that have no value).

Security Considerations

This section provides information on aspects of security you need to consider.

Password Management

Unlike interactive logins for users, the use of web services does not permit warnings to be included in the returned messages. Also, there is no guarantee that there is someone handling the call in order to interpret any warnings about password expiry.

Password expiry is managed within IDCS and is the responsibility of the owner to be aware of when passwords need to be rotated. With OAuth, the client id and secret should be kept secure.

Rich Text Data

In Brand Compliance, certain fields allow the display of HTML-formatted data. Such data is cleansed before display in Brand Compliance to ensure that any attempts at Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) attacks are mitigated, but this cleansing is not applied within the APIs. Therefore, it is advisable to cleanse any HTML-formatted data before it is displayed to users.

Excluded Fields

Many of the APIs published by Brand Compliance provide access to manage all of the records of a given type. With certain records, the fields accessible through the API are a subset of the fields within Brand Compliance. Any updates leave those fields unchanged.

Secured Connections

As all of the APIs are exposed as web services over HTTPS, it is necessary for callers to communicate over SSL/TLS using the ciphers that the Brand Compliance servers accept. To ensure optimal security, it is advised that standard certificate checks are in place and not disabled. In the case of Apache CXF, the Client TLS Parameter disableCNCheck should be left as false.

URL Encoding

Certain characters within URLs are reserved for a special meaning. In order to avoid calls that contain these characters being blocked by the API's security, the characters must be encoded and passed as plain text.

The reserved characters include ";", "/", "?", ":", "@", and "=", all of which could be present in the parameters passed to Brand Compliance APIs - such as within email addresses or within the names of users, products, or suppliers.

UTF-8 URL encoding should therefore be applied to all calls to the Brand Compliance APIs. The APIs will automatically decode the values on receipt.

For example, an un-encoded call of: …/services/rest/user/byKey/john.smith@example.com

should be encoded as: …/services/rest/user/byKey/john.smith%40example.com

The use of forward slash in parameters should be encoded as "%2f", for example an un-encoded call of: …/services/rest/user/byKey/24/7 Support

should be encoded as: …/services/rest/user/byKey/24%2f7 Support

If a call comprises multiple values, each must be encoded individually.

Reference Fields

This section describes how data is returned for fields that have their values derived by referencing a glossary or system text, such as the selections made from a configurable list of values.

Glossary and Locale/Language Fields

Fields that have their values selected from a glossary of configurable options generally have the code, description, and language translations of the selected value returned, along with the id reference to the glossary record.

The language translations are contained within a localeData element. Prior to release 18.0, a separate localeData element was returned for each language the portal had configured, now just the languages that the portal actually has active are returned. If a translation is not present for a language, the element is omitted, so if the portal has no alternative languages active, just a localeData element for the base language is returned.


Some APIs allow a locale parameter to be passed to optionally return a specific language, or languages. However, use of the parameter can have an impact on the call's response time, due to the additional selection processing.

Enumeration Fields

Certain reference fields have their options defined as system text rather than a configurable glossary. Referred to as enumerations, these are used where the selections are generally static, such as Yes/No options. Prior to release 18.0, just the code of an enumeration was returned, now the description of enumeration value is also returned as a description element.

Editable Text Selector Fields

Certain reference fields allow for a statement to be selected from a glossary and inline values entered after selection. Referred to as editable text selectors, these are used to build statements with variable content, but using a consistent format; for example, to describe cooking instructions in a common way without having to have an entry in the glossary for every permutation of time and temperature. Prior to release 18.0, just the separate statement and value elements were returned, now a packCopyText element containing the formed statement is also returned.

Key Features of the API Process

This section summarizes the key aspects of the API process:

  • The external system makes a call to Brand Compliance using HTTPS. The external system must be registered in Brand Compliance, and an Application record created within IDCS corresponding to the External System.

  • Calls to RESTful services use the GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE methods to retrieve, create, update, and delete records respectively. Calls to SOAP services use a predefined set of methods to perform the operations.

  • Each call is logged in the Web Service Log in Brand Compliance. The request and response XML messages are attached to the logs.

  • A predefined set of parameters is available to apply filters to the call, to retrieve a specific record, or set of records.

  • Data is returned as XML, as defined by the associated WADL or WSDL schema. Only elements that contain data are returned; empty elements are omitted.

  • For RESTful APIs, an initial GET call to the service returns the unique internal key ID of the returned records in either the recordId or the id element. The record ID is then used in a subsequent call using a URI to retrieve the record's full XML data set, or to perform an update operation.

    Update functions require the full set of fields and their values to be passed, as the full contents of the record are replaced. If all fields are not present in the external system, the update process would need to first retrieve the current contents of the record from Brand Compliance before applying the changes to that data set, and submitting the full data set as the update.

  • There could be several initiators for the data exchange, including the following:

    • Human initiation, where an individual makes the request, such as by clicking a button to run the request.

    • End user action, where the completion of an activity in the external system triggers the exchange.

    • Scheduled request (or polling), where the external system sends or checks for data on a regular basis. For example, it may be looking for newly created Product Records or Specifications with a change in status.

    For security purposes, the APIs rely on the external system polling, retrieving, or submitting calls to the APIs. Brand Compliance does not push data externally.

  • The nature of the APIs may require multiple requests to be made, for example:

    • Request a list of Product Records with their IDs.

    • Request the timestamp reference for each Product Record.

    • Identify any Product Records changed or created within a given time scale.

    • Request the full details for that Product Record.

These types of requests can be automated. The external system is altered to enable the operations to take place in sequence according to a pre-defined algorithm.

Certain modifications can also be made to the external system to enable the storage of data returned from Brand Compliance. For example, if the external system requests a record to be created in Brand Compliance, a confirmation response is sent, containing the record ID. This ID may then be stored in the external system for future reference.


An External System must be specifically granted access to an API, either by the service or its endpoints. If none are specified, the External System will not have access to any of the APIs.

If a service is selected, it grants access to all of its endpoints, so there is no need to select the individual endpoints (if access is required to all of them); but selecting the service and all its endpoints would have the same effect.

Endpoints can be selected individually to grant granular access to specific endpoints of a service. In this case, it appears that if the service is also selected, that overrides the endpoint selections, thus providing access to them all anyway. So if wanting to grant access to just specific endpoints, the way to do it is not to select the service, but just the individual endpoints.