Day Planner

The Day Planner shows a list of appointments and tasks assigned to the associate as well as offers for a given day.

Figure 2-3 Day Planner

This figure shows the Day Planner.

Click the Calendar icon in the Events field to select a different date.

The following information is displayed for the selected date:

  • Appointments - Shows the appointments for the selected date. No expired appointments are shown. The maximum number of appointments displayed is 25. If there are no appointments, the message No appointments available to display is shown.

  • Tasks - Shows the tasks assigned on the selected date. No expired tasks are shown. The maximum number of tasks displayed is 25. If there are no tasks, the message No tasks available to display is shown.

  • Offers - Shows all active offers based on the selected date. The offers are shown for the default location of the associate. If there is no default location identified, all offers for the chain are shown. No expired offers are shown. The maximum number of offers displayed is 25. If there are no offers, the message No offers available to display is shown.