Report Categories and Report Descriptions

Almost all reports require additional configuration information that limit the results returned. Most fields allow the user to create Lists of multiple items to be included on the report.


In most cases, if no information is entered for a configuration field, all results for that field are included on the report (up to the defined Limit Records setting).

The reports available for generation are listed in the following sections.

Account Management

Account Activity Summary - This report presents transaction count and value summary information about the program activities, segregated by activity typecode, user, and reason code. See Account Activity Summary Report for more information.

Award Management

  • Award Account Activity Details - This report presents detailed information about activities performed on one or more given Award Accounts. See Award Account Activity Details Report for more information.

  • Award Account Activity Errors - This report presents detailed information about transaction errors associated with Award Accounts. See Award Account Activity Errors Report for more information.

  • Award Account Activity Trend - This report presents daily counts of Award Transactions, organized by Activity type, within a Program, and includes charts illustrating award account activity. See Award Account Activity Trend Report for more information.

  • Award Account Balance - This report presents the Account balance available at run time for each Account. See Award Account Balance Report for more information.

  • Award Account Error Trend - This report presents information about the number of times transaction errors occurred, by date, for each Program, and includes a chart illustrating error incidence. See Award Account Error Trend Report for more information.

  • Award Account Last Use - This report presents counts of Accounts within an Award Program, grouped by the number of days between last use date and system date at run time. See Award Account Last Use Report for more information.

  • Award Activity By Location - This report presents Award activity within a Program, by Location, for a selected date range. See Award Activity by Location Report for more information.

  • Award Activity By Program - This report presents a summary of Account activities, listed by type, for each Program. See Award Activity by Program Report for more information.

  • Award Entitlement Expiration - This report presents a listing of the expiration dates of issued Entitlement Coupons, providing information on how many are due to expire or have expired. See Award Entitlement Expiration Report for more information.

  • Award Entitlement Redemption - This report presents a count of redeemed Entitlement Coupons for each Entitlement Offer, and includes charts illustrating entitlement redemption activity. See Award Entitlement Redemption (Trend) Report for more information.

  • Award Entitlement Summary - This report displays the number of Issued Coupons for each Offer within an Entitlement program. See Award Entitlement Summary Report for more information.

  • Award Program Balance Summary - This report presents summary statistics about current Account balances within each Award Program. See Award Program Balance Summary Reportfor more information.

  • Award Program Definitions - This report presents details about each Award Program definition. See Award Program Definition Report for more information.

  • Award Redemption Rate - This report presents information about the number of Award certificates issued & redeemed for each Card Prefix and Card Series by Program. See Award Redemption Rate Report for more information.

Campaign Management

  • Promotion Response By Category - This report presents the event response, by Product Hierarchy, for the selected Promotion events, including items purchased. See Promotion Response by Category Report for more information.

  • Promotion Response By Date - This report summarizes the value of the response, by business date, to the selected Promotion events. See Promotion Response by Date Report for more information.

  • Promotion Response By Deal - This report summarizes the value of the response, by Deal, to the selected Promotion events. See Promotion Response by Deal Report for more information.

  • Promotion Response By Location - This report summarizes the value of the response, by Location, to the selected Promotion events. See Promotion Response by Location Report for more information.

  • Promotion Response By Target - This report presents response data, by Segment Target, for selected Promotion events. See Promotion Response by Target Report for more information.

  • Promotion Response Detail - This report displays information about the Transactions created in response to each Promotion. See Promotion Response Detail Report for more information.

  • Promotion Target Detail - This report displays Customer information for the segment targeted in each Promotion. See Promotion Target Details Report for more information.

  • Promotion Target List - This report presents information about the Segment Targets associated with each Promotion within a Campaign. See Promotion Target List Report for more information.

  • Promotion Target Segment List - This report displays a list of each Target Segment associated with each Promotion within a Campaign. See Promotion Target List Report for more information.

Card Management

  • Card Batch Activation Rate - This report displays the activation rate for each Batch within each Card Series on the Card Prefix. See Card Batch Activation Rate Report for more information.

  • Card Detail - This report presents detailed information about individual Cards defined in the system. See Card Detail Report for more information.

  • Card Series Activation Rate - This report presents the activation rate for each Card Series created for each Card Type. See Card Series Activation Rate Report for more information.

Customer Management

  • Address Summary - This report presents a count of Customers by address type, grouped by whether they are primary or valid. See Address Summary Report for more information.

  • Birthday Summary - This report presents Customer counts by birth month. See Birthday Summary Report for more information.

  • Customer Alt Key Summary - This report presents counts of the number of Customers by Alternate Key Type. See Customer Alt Key Summary Report for more information.

  • Customer Assoc Assign By Assoc Role - This report displays contact information for Customers associated to a particular Associate Role. See Customer Associate Assignment by Associate and Role Report for more information.

  • Customer Contact Email List - This report presents a listing of Customer names, addresses, and primary emails by Signup Location. See Customer Contact Email List Report for more information.

  • Customer Contact Phone List - This report presents a listing of Customer names, addresses, and phone numbers by Signup Location. See Customer Contact Phone List Report for more information.

  • Customer Purch By Dept By Year - This report presents a summary of Customer purchase activity by Department and year. See Customer Purchase by Department by Year Report for more information.

  • Customer Status Summary - This report presents the number of Customer records grouped by Identified/Unidentified (Anonymous Flag) within Active/Inactive (Status Flag). See Customer Status Summary Report for more information.

  • Gender Summary - This report presents the count of Customers grouped by gender. See Gender Summary Report for more information.

  • Location Capture Rate - This report presents a count of Customers, by Anonymous Flag, for each signup Location. See Location (Store) Capture Rate Report for more information.

  • Postal Code Summary - This report presents a count of Customers by Postal Code, filtered on only primary, active, home addresses. See Postal Code Summary Report for more information.

  • Social Network Summary - This report displays a count of Customers by Social Network, grouped by the Customer's Home Store. See Social Network Summary Report for more information.

  • State Summary - This report presents a count of active primary address records grouped by state. See State Summary Report for more information.

  • Summary Report - This report presents totals and percentages of types of addresses, email addresses, and phone numbers for Customers who signed up within a specified date range. See Summary Detail Report for more information.

Item Management

  • Item Attribute Summary - This report provides a count of Items that are associated with each given Item Attribute and Attribute value. See Item Attribute Summary Report for more information.

Location Operations

  • Capture Quality Report - This report presents the percentage of validated Customer data, organized by Operator ID, within each Location. See Capture Quality Summary Report for more information.

  • Customers by Home Location - This report presents a count of Customers for each Home Location. See Customer by Home Location Report for more information.

  • Shoppers By Location - This report presents Customer count and purchase statistics for each Location. See Shoppers by Location Report for more information.

  • Sign Up Location by Postal Code - This report presents the number of Customers, by Zip Code (or Postal Code) and on a given date, who signed up at the Location. See Signup Location (Store) by Postal Code Report for more information.

  • Sign Up Location By State - This report presents the number of Customers by state, grouped by signup Location. See Signup Location by State Report for more information.

  • Signup Location - This report presents the number of Customers by signup Location. See Signup Location Report for more information.

  • Signup Location Daily Trend - This report presents Customer counts by signup date and signup Location, and includes a chart illustrating Customer signups by date. See Signup Location Daily Trend Report for more information.

Loyalty Management

  • Loyalty Account Detail - This report presents details of the activities performed on each Loyalty Account. See Loyalty Account Detail Report for more information.

  • Loyalty Acct Activity Errors - This report presents details of errors for Loyalty Accounts by Program ID. See Loyalty Account Activity Errors Report for more information.

  • Loyalty Acct Level Summary - This report presents account level summaries for Loyalty accounts by Program ID. See Loyalty Account Level Summary Report for more information.

  • Loyalty Activity Type Summary - This report presents summary information on accounts and Loyalty activity types associated with Program Levels on Loyalty Programs. See Loyalty Activity Type Summary Report for more information.

  • Loyalty Activity Type Trend - This report presents summary information on Accounts by Activity Type by business date, organized by Loyalty Program Level and includes charts summarizing Loyalty activity. See Loyalty Activity Type Trend Report for more information.

  • Loyalty Issue Rule Impact - This report displays transaction level counts of merchandise associated with purchases against a Loyalty Issue Rule. See Loyalty Issue Rule Impact Report for more information.

  • Loyalty Rules Results Summary - This reports displays summary account information by Activity Type for each Loyalty Rule. It is organized by Program levels within the Loyalty Programs. See Loyalty Rules Results Summary Report for more information.

  • Loyalty Rules Results Trend - This report presents summary information on accounts by Activity Type by Activity Date for each Loyalty Rule. It is organized by Loyalty Program Level for each Loyalty Program and also includes summary level charts. See Loyalty Rules Results Trend Report for more information.

  • Loyalty Accounts - Balance Summary - This report presents summary information about the Loyalty Account balances, by Program Level, within each Program. See Loyalty Account Balance Summary Report for more information.

  • Lyl Accounts - Last Use - This report presents Loyalty Account summary information within a Loyalty Program Level, grouped by the number of months since last use date and system date. See Loyalty Account Last Use Summary Report for more information.

  • Lyl Accounts - Lifecycle - This report presents Loyalty Account summary information within a Loyalty Program Level, grouped by the number of months the accounts have been in use. See Loyalty Account Life Cycle Summary Report for more information.

  • Lyl Acct Act Summary - Award - This report presents the earned points from Award rules, by Loyalty Account, within a given period of time. See Loyalty Account Activity Summary Award Report for more information.

  • Lyl Acct Act Summary - Issue - This report presents the earned points from Issue rules, by Loyalty Account, within a given period of time. See Loyalty Account Activity Summary Issue Report for more information.

  • Lyl Program Level Summary - This report presents the current balance statistics for Program Levels within Programs. See Loyalty Program Level Summary Report for more information.

Segment Management

  • N-Tile / Range Strata Summary - This report presents details on Customer Segments broken out by strata. See N-Tile / Range Strata Report for more information.

  • Segment By Home Location - This report presents a count of Customers, by Home Location, for Customer Segments. See Segment by Home Location Report for more information.

  • Segment By State - This report presents a count of Customers, by State, for Customer Segment. See Segment by State Report for more information.

  • Segment Count List - This report presents the details of each Segment run within a specified time period. See Segment Count List Report for more information.

  • Segment Customer Master - This report presents a listing of information about the Customers in each Segment. See Segment Customer Master Reportfor more information.

  • Segment Purchase Profile Report - This report presents counts, by Segment, of individual Items purchased. See Segment Purchase Profile Report for more information.

  • Segment Trend Analysis - This report presents trend totals for Segments broken out by Run ID, and includes charts illustrating trend totals for Customer Segments. See Segment Trend Analysis Report for more information.

Tender Account Management

  • Tender Account Activity Summary - This report displays tender summary information by Activity Type, by Program. See Tender (Account) Activity Summary Report for more information.

  • Tender Activity Summary - This report is the same as the Tender (Account) Activity Summary Report.

  • Tender Activity Summary By Batch - This report displays tender summary information organized by Card Prefix, Series, and Batch, for Activity Types, by Program. See Tender Activity Summary by Batch Report for more information.

  • Tender Activity Type Trend - This report displays tender summary information organized by Card Prefix, Series, and Batch, for Activity Types, by Program, and includes charts illustrating Tender Type activity. See Tender Activity Type Trend Report for more information.

Registry Management

  • Registry Detail - This report presents detailed information for Gift Registries or Wish Lists. See Registry Detail Report for more information.

Task Management

  • Associate Task Detail - This report presents details on customer targeted tasks, by the associate assigned to them. See Associate Task Details Report for more information.

  • Associate Task Summary - This report presents a summary of the types of Tasks assigned to each Associate, and their current statuses. See Associate Task Summary Report for more information.

  • Task Summary - This report presents a summary of types of Tasks by their current statuses. See Task Status Summary Report for more information.